加拿大职业证照考试要求 之 无犯罪记录背景审核 获取警方证书

在加拿大某些职业协会,如申请移民,移民顾问,政府工作,需要进行严格的安全背景审核, 开据句警方证书,以证明你品行端正,信誉良好。十年内的无犯罪记录,包括任何居住超过6个月以上的地区或国家。开据的警方证书,有特定的有效期,一般为6个月。


1 – Albania 阿尔巴尼亚

Apply for a penal certificate to the Magistrates Court or Cjykata of the provincial capital.

2 – Algeria 阿尔及利亚

Algerian citizens resident in Algeria – write to:
Tribunal d’Alger
Algerian citizens resident outside of Algeria – contact the Algerian Embassy in the country of residence. Foreign nationals in Algeria -contact your embassy in, or accredited to, Algeria, which must then address a written request to the Tribunal d’Alger on your behalf.

3 – American Samoa 美属萨摩亚

Apply directly to the American Samoan Police Department, at the address below, with the appropriate fee:
Department of Public Safety
Pago Pago
American Samoa 96799
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) passport number
(c) birth certificate
(d) sex
(e) place of birth.
Payment should be made in US$ in cash or by money order.
The certificate will be issued in the form of an abstract from the police record, and will be sent to you.

4 – Andorra 安道尔

Apply to: Certificat de Bonne Vie et Moeurs
La Policia
Andorra la Vella
You should provide full personal and passport details.
A fee is payable.

5 – Angola 安哥拉

Apply to your local police authority in Angola.

6 – Anguilla 安圭拉

Apply to the Immigration Authority, Anguilla. You should provide full personal and passport details.
A fee is payable.

7 – Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达

Apply to: Police Headquarters
American Road
St John’s
You should provide:
(a) a copy of your birth certificate
(b) two photographs.
A fee is payable.

8 – Argentina 阿根廷

Applicants living outside Argentina -approach your nearest Argentinean Embassy and request the Embassy to contact the Policia Federal to obtain your Federal Police record.
Applicants in Argentina – apply directly to your nearest office of the Policia Federal.

9 – Australia 澳大利亚

Applicants in Australia – apply to your local police station in the State or Territory where you are currently residing and ask for a National Fingerprint and Name Check police certificate.
Applicants outside Australia – request forms to apply for a National Fingerprint and Name Check police certificate from the address below.
Apply to: Australian Federal Police
Criminal History Branch
Locked Bag 1
Once the forms are received, a certified set of fingerprints will be required along with the completed forms.
A fee is payable.

10 – Austria 奥地利

Applicants living outside Austria – apply to your nearest Austrian Embassy or Consulate.
Applicants in Austria -apply to your local police station or, in areas where there are no local police stations, to your local government office (Gemeinde Amt) for a police certificate Polizeiliches Fuhrungszeugnis or Strafregisterauszug.
All applicants are required to produce evidence of Austrian citizenship or registration document Meldezettel including a photograph.
A fee is payable.

11 – Bahamas 巴哈马

Apply to: The Officer-in Charge
Criminal Records Office
P O Box N-458
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) date and place of birth
(c) passport number
(d) place of residence in the Bahamas
(e) one photograph
(f) a certified set of fingerprints.
A fee is payable.

12 – Bahrain 巴林

Apply to: Criminal Investigation Directorate
Ministry of Interior
Government of the State of Bahrain
P O Box 26698
You should provide:
(a) photocopies of the pages from your passport, showing personal particulars and the resident permit stamp issued by Bahrain Immigration
(b) one photograph
(c) a certified set of fingerprints.
A fee is payable.

13 – Bangladesh 孟加拉国

Apply to: Officer in Charge
Sabujbagh P.S.

14 – Barbados 巴巴多斯

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
P O Box 84
You should provide:
(a) photographs
(b) a certified set of fingerprints
(c) birth particulars
(d) address(es) in Barbados
(e) a forwarding/contact address.
A fee is payable.

15 – Belgium 比利时

You should obtain a Certificat de Bonne Conduite Vie et Moeurs from the local police commissariat where you were last registered in Belgium.
A fee is payable.

16 – Belize 伯利兹

Apply to: Criminal Investigation Department
Police Headquarters
You should provide:
(a) full name (including former name(s) if applicable)
(b) date and place of birth
(c) passport number
(d) a set of fingerprints
(e) three photographs
(f) period of residence in Belize.
A fee is payable.

17 – Bermuda 百慕达

You should obtain an explanatory letter from the CSIC, and then apply to:
Commissioner of Police
(Attention: Administration Department)
Police Headquarters
P O Box 530
Hamilton 5
You should provide:
(a) full name (previous and maiden)
(b) nationality
(c) date and place of birth
(d) dates and address(es) of residence in Bermuda.

18 – Bolivia 玻利维亚

Bolivian nationals -apply to:
Ministerio Del Interior
Direccion Nacional De Identificacion
Calle Junin/Esq Plaza Murillo
La Paz
Non-Bolivian nationals – apply to:
Ministerio Del Interior
Direccion De Migracion/Extrangeria
Calle Junin/Esq Plaza Murillo La Paz
All applicants should apply in person, although those resident outside Bolivia must appoint a Notary Public in Bolivia to act on their behalf.
A fee is payable.

19 – Bosnia Herzegovina 波斯尼亚 – 黑塞哥维那

Residents – apply to the Ministry for Internal Affairs (MUP/SUP) at the police station in your place of residence or birth.
Non-residents -apply to the nearest Bosnian Embassy (Consulate or Yugoslav Embassy).
A fee is payable.

20 – Botswana 博茨瓦纳

Apply to: Criminal Investigation Department
Botswana Police Force
P O Box 1082
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) date and place of birth
(c) dates of residence in Botswana
(d) name(s) of employer(s)
(e) place of residence.

21 – Brazil 巴西

You should apply to the local police authorities in Brazil. You will need to verify where your Brazilian Identity Card was issued and obtain the form used by the Secretaria da Seguranca Publica of that State.

22 – Brunei 文莱

Apply to: Head of ‘E’ Department
Headquarters, Royal Brunei Police Force
Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei Darussalam

23 – Bulgaria 保加利亚

You should apply to any regional court of the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice for a Statement of Conviction or a Conviction Status Certificate.

24 – Burkina Faso 布基纳法索

Apply to: Ministry of Justice
Burkina Faso

25 – Cambodia (Kampuchea) 柬埔寨(柬埔寨)

You should apply at the District Office of your local authority in Cambodia.

26 – Cameroon 喀麦隆

Apply to your local police authority in Cameroon.

27 – Canada 加拿大

Applicants who require Canadian police certificates must provide the following before transitional membership will be granted:

Either a Canadian police certificate (obtained without a fingerprint check) that shows that the person has no record in Canada or an affidavit from the person detailing the nature and circumstances of the person’s Canadian criminal history (including all arrests, charges and convictions). Full Canadian police certificates issued based on fingerprints will be required from all such applicants by the deadline required in relation to all other possible police certificates, with the possible exception of those applicants who are disqualified based on their criminal
histories before the final deadline for such certificates.

Applicants in Canada – provide proof of identity (eg, birth certificate, passport), an explanatory letter from the CSIC and your return address to your nearest department of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Also, you can obtain the assistance of a private firm International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd. For further information you may visit http://www.ifs.ca.

Applicants outside Canada – forward a set of fingerprints certified by the local police authorities and a return address to:

The Commissioner
Attention: Identification Services – Civil Section
P O Box 8885
Canada KIG3M8
A fee is payable.

28 – Cape Verde Islands 佛得角群岛

Apply to: Ministry of Justice
Cape Verde Islands

29 – Cayman Islands 开曼群岛

Apply to: Police Headquarters
P O Box 909
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
West Indies
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) passport number
(c) nationality
(d) period of residence
(e) a full set of fingerprints.
A fee is payable.

30 – China – People’s Republic of 中华人民共和国

You should approach your work unit and request a certificate of good character. When it has been provided and sealed with a chop, take the certificate to the local police authorities who will affix another chop. The document should then be taken to a Notary Public who will provide the finished certificate.

31 – Commonwealth of Independent States/former USSR 独立国家联合体/前苏联

Apply to your local police authority within the Commonwealth of Independent States.

32 – Congo 刚果

Apply to your local police authority in the Congo.

33 – Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加

Residents -apply in person to: Suprema Corte de Justicia
San Jose
Costa Rica
Non-residents -apply for a certificate from the nearest Costa Rican Embassy or Consulate.
You should provide identity card details and your present passport.
A fee is payable.

34 – Croatia 克罗地亚

Apply to: Ministry of Internal Affairs
Police Department
Citizens – at your place of birth or, if this is not possible, then your place of current residence.
Ex-Bosnian Croats -at the place of passport issue.
Non-citizens – at your place of current/previous residence.
You should provide an ID card or birth certificate.
A fee is payable.

35 – Cuba 古巴

Apply to: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Foreign Office)
Calle Calzada y Avenida de los Presidentes
Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana
Telephone: + (537) 832 9630

36 – Cyprus 塞浦路斯

Non-Turkish occupied area – apply to the police authorities in your place of residence, or former place of residence.
You should provide:
(a) details of your identity card number and place of issue
(b) two photographs.
Turkish occupied area – apply to: Turkish Cypriot Police Headquarters
Mersin 10
You should provide:
(a) details of your identity card
(b) card number
(c) place of issue.
A fee is payable.

37 – Czech Republic 捷克共和国

Apply to: General Prosecutor of the Czech Republic
Registrar of Penalties
Nam. Hrdinu 1300
14 004 Praha 4
The Czech Republic
for the certificate Zadost O Vypis Z Rejstriku Trestu.
A fee is payable.

38 – Denmark 丹麦

Danish nationals – apply to the Chief of Police in the district in which you were born or registered.
You should provide:
(a) photocopies of your Central
Persons Register Card (CPR)
(b) a birth certificate.
Non-Danish nationals – apply to: Rigslditt-D
PO Box 93 2615
You should provide:
(a) details of passport identification
(b) Danish visa pages.

39 – Dominica 多米尼加

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
Police Headquarters
You should provide:
(a) full personal details
(b) a set of fingerprints
(c) two photographs authenticated on the reverse by a Justice of
the Peace, Notary Public or Solicitor.
A fee is payable.

40 – Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国

Apply to: Gabinete de Identification Personal de la Policia Nacional
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
You should provide:
(a) photocopies of passport pages showing personal particulars
(b) a set of fingerprints certified by the police
(c) three photographs 2″ x 2″ (one in profile).
A fee is payable.

41 – Egypt 埃及

Residents – apply to: Ministry of Interior
Department of Criminal Investigation
Non-residents – apply to the nearest embassy or consulate.

42 – El Salvador 萨尔瓦多

Residents – apply to: Director General of National Police
Cuartel Central
San Salvador
and provide:
(a) a set of fingerprints taken at the local police station
(b) three identical passport-size photographs (full-face) and one side profile.
A fee is payable.
Non-residents -provide the following original documents to the nearest Salvadorian Embassy or Consulate:
(a) Salvadorian birth certificate, cedula and passport
(b) fingerprints
(c) photographs.
Non-residents should give power of Attorney to a Salvadorian resident who will complete processing in El Salvador.

43 – Estonia 爱沙尼亚

Apply to: National Police Board
Bureau of Information
Pagari tn.1
EE0102 Tallinn

44 – Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚

Apply to your local police authority in Ethiopia.

45 – Fiji 斐济

You should obtain an explanatory letter from the CSIC and send the completed application form directly to:
Officer in Charge
Police Headquarters
The Police will not release any details to you but will send them direct to the CSIC.

46 – Finland 芬兰

Apply to: Rikosrekisteritoimisto
00931 Helsinki
You should provide:
(a) a copy of your Finnish Church Certificate Virkatodistus
(b) a Finnish Identity Card if available.

47 – France 法国

For French citizens born in France, including French overseas territories and departments or in a foreign country- you should handwrite a letter requesting a ( Casier Judicaire-Bulletin No.3) to:
Casier Judiciaire national
107 Rue de Landreau
44079 Nantes
Cedex 01
France (Telephone: 00 33 2 51 89 89 51)

For citizens born outside of France may apply by mail only, and must attach a photocopy of their “Justificatif d’état civil”

For citizens born in a French overseas territory must write to the “ Tribunal de première instance- Service des Casiers Judiciaires- at your place of birth.
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) place and date of birth
(c) current address
(d) full names of parents.

48 – French Guiana 法属圭亚那

Refer to 47 – France for instructions.

49 – French Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚

French nationals born in French Polynesia -apply to:
Tribunal Service des Casiers Judiciaires
Polynesie Francaise
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) present address
(c) date and place of birth
(d) full names of parents and details of identity card.
French nationals born outside French Polynesia and non-French
nationals – refer to 46 – France for further instructions.
A fee is payable.

50 – Futuna Island 富图纳岛

Refer to 46 – France for instructions.

51 – Gambia 冈比亚

Apply to: Ministry of Justice

52 – Germany 德国

Apply to: Der Generalbundesanwalt
beim Bundesgerichtshof
Bundeszentral register
Heinemann Strasse 6
53175 Bonn
You should provide:
(a) full date of birth
(b) family name at time of birth
(c) present family name (if different to family name at time of birth)
(d) place of birth including district or state, and maiden name of mother.
If you are already in Canada or another country, your identity must be certified by a local German Embassy or Consulate.

53 – Ghana 加纳

Apply to: The Ghana Police
(Criminal Investigation Department)
P O Box 505
You should provide full personal details.

54 – Greece 希腊

Residents -apply for a penal certificate (Type B) available fromthe Public Prosecutor’s Office.
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) full names of parents
(c) places and dates of birth of yourself and parents
(d) last address
(e) details of identity card.
Non-residents -apply for a penal certificate (Type B) obtainable from the closest Greek Consulate-General.
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) full names of parents
(c) places and dates of birth of yourself and parents
(d) last address
(e) details of identity card.
A fee is payable.

55 – Grenada 格林纳达

Apply to: Certificate Records Office
Police Headquarters
St George’s
You should provide:
(a) details of passport
(b) copy of birth certificate
(c) two photographs
(d) set of fingerprints.
A fee is payable.

56 – Guadeloupe 瓜德罗普

Refer to 46 – France for instructions.

57 – Guatemala 危地马拉

Apply to: Corte Suprema de Justicia
You should provide proof of identity.
A fee is payable.

58 – Guernsey 根西岛

Apply to: Guernsey Police
Central Records Office
Police Headquarters
Hospital Lane
St Peter Port
for a Request for a Police Clearance Certificate form. You must produce adequate personal identification.
A fee is payable.

59 – Guinea 几内亚

Apply to: Guinea Ministry of Justice
A fee is payable.

60 – Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍

Apply to: Guinea-Bissau Ministry of Justice

61 – Guyana 圭亚那

You must apply to either your nearest Guyanan High Commission or Embassy, or direct to:
Police Headquarters
Eve Leary Kingston
You should provide:
(a) a set of fingerprints which have been certified by your local police authority
(b) three photographs.
A fee is payable.

62 – Haiti 海地

Apply to: Certificate Records Office
Police Headquarters
You should provide:
(a) photocopied pages of passport and birth certificate extract
(b) a set of fingerprints
(c) three photographs.
A fee is payable.

63 – Honduras 洪都拉斯

Apply to: National Bureau of Investigations
A fee is payable.

64 – Hong Kong 香港

You must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or in French, stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offenses against the law in Hong Kong.

This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

65 – Hungary 匈牙利

You should buy the appropriate form from a post office in Hungary and then send it to the police in Hungary.

66 – Iceland 冰岛

Residents of Iceland -apply for a police clearance certificate Vottord to the Chief of Police Sysslumadur in the town of present or former residence.
Non-residents of Iceland -address a written request for a certificate to:
Sakaskra Rikisins
Hverfisgata 6
101 Reykjavik
You should provide details of your Icelandic Social Security Number.
A fee is payable.

67 – India 印度

Applicants in India – apply to the Regional Passport Office of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs or the Office of the Deputy Commissioner/Superintendent of Police for the area of your residence. The certificate must be the original, bearing the official Ministry Seal. If applying to the local police, you must obtain a letter for such a certificate from the CSIC office.
Applicants living in a Canada -you should apply to the High Commission of India located at 10 Springfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1C9

68 – Indonesia 印度尼西亚

Indonesian nationals -good conduct certificates Surat Kelakuan Baik are only obtainable from the local POLRES Office. You should provide a certificate from your Lurah office, together with your Kartu Tanda Penduduk (Resident Identity Card).
A fee is payable.
Foreign nationals residing in Indonesia – apply in person to your local POLRES office to obtain a police certificate. The application must include:
(a) the required fee
(b) passport
(c) Surat Tanda Melapor Diri Certificate of Police Registration
(d) Kartu Izin Masuk Sementara Temporary Admission Card
(e) sponsorship letter from the company for which you worked while you were in Indonesia.
Once you obtain a police certificate from POLRES, apply to the address below for a Good Conduct Certificate:
Direktorat Intelpam
Gedung D, Lantai 1, Kamar A47
Mabes Polri
Jl Trunojoyo No. 3
Kabayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
Foreign nationals no longer resident in Indonesia -apply in writing for a Certificate of Good Conduct through your Embassy in Indonesia to:
Direktur Intelpam Polri
up. Kasubdit POA
Mabes Polri
Jl Trunojoyo No.3
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
You should provide:
(a) the required fee
(b) a copy of your passport
(c) a copy of Surat Tanda Melapor Diri Certificate of Police Registration or, if not available, submit a recommendation letter from the POLRES office where you lived in Indonesia. To obtain that recommendation letter show POLRES the copy of Surat Tanda Melapor (STM) kept by the company you worked for while you were in Indonesia
(d) a copy of Kartu Izin Masuk Sementara Temporary Admission Card. The company you worked for should be able to provide a copy if this is not available
(e) a sponsorship letter from the company you worked for while in Indonesia
(f) a Consular Certificate from your Embassy in Indonesia, certifying the Embassy’s consular records do not disclose any criminal convictions in Indonesia. If the Embassy
does not issue such a letter this can be omitted.
This request must also be copied to:
Dirjen Hubsosbudpen
Direktorat Pengamanan
Departemen Luar Negeri
Jl. Pejambon
Jakarta Pusat
A fee is payable.

69 – Iran 伊朗

Apply to: Justice Administration
Department of Penal Records & Amnesty
Penal Records Section
The certificate should be an original, accompanied by a certified translation by the Official Translator of the Justice Administration.
Applicants resident outside Iran -apply through the Iranian Embassy in your current country of residence.

70 – Iraq 伊拉克

Applicants in Iraq -apply in person for a non-conviction certificate
from the: Directorate of Criminal Investigation
52 Street
A fee is payable.

71 – Ireland (Eire) 爱尔兰(爱尔兰)

Residents -apply to your local Garda Siochana (Police) Authority.
Non-residents – address a written request for a certificate to:
Commissioner of Police
Garda Siochana
Phoenix Park
Dublin 8
Republic of Ireland
You should provide:
(a) full name, date and place of birth, dates and addresses during residence in Ireland
(b) names, dates and address of parents during residence in Ireland (if applicable)
(c) copy of birth certificate.

72 – Israel 以色列

Residents – apply to your local police authorities.
Non-residents -apply to your nearest Israeli Embassy or
You should provide:
(a) details of passport or IsraeliIdentity card
(b) two recent passport photographs
(c) address and periods of residence in Israel.

73 – Italy 意大利

Italian citizens and non-Italian residents residing in Italy – obtain:
• Certificato Penale del Casellario Giudiziale; and
• Certificato Penale dei Carichi Pendenti.
Apply to Uffici della Procura della Repubblica in your normal town of residence or the town from which your town of residence depends (usually your provincial capital). You must specify you need a ten year record if applicable, and produce evidence of your identity.
Non-residents -approach the nearest Italian diplomatic/consular authority and request the above certificates. The request can either be handled entirely through that authority (waiting time can be up to six months) or an authorisation can be drawn up for a relative or friend in Italy to obtain the certificates.
The authorisation should bear a signature that has been verified by the diplomatic/consular authority and have a copy attached of bio data pages of passport also verified by the same authority.
Fees are payable.

74 – Ivory Coast 象牙海岸

Apply to: Ministry of Justice
A fee is payable.

75 – Jamaica 牙买加

Apply to: Jamaica Constabulary Force
Criminal Investigations Branch
Criminal Records Office
East Queen Street
P O Box 462
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) date and place of birth
(c) two passport sized photographs
(d) one set of fingerprints certified by your local police authority
(e) your address(es) in Jamaica.
A fee is payable.

76 – Japan 日本

Japanese nationals -obtain your own police certificate from the Prefectural Police Office in your town or city of residence.
You should provide:
(a) passport
(b) family register
(c) residential certificate
(d) evidence showing that you are required to submit a police certificate (e.g. a completed copy of the visa application form).
You are advised to make enquiries beforehand as additional documentation may be required.
Non-Japanese citizens -provide passport, Certificate of Alien Registration and evidence showing that you are required to submit a police certificate (e.g. a completed copy of the visa application form).
Japanese nationals already in Canada, and non-Japanese citizens who have lived in Japan and are currently in Canada -apply to the Embassy of Japan in Canada at: Embassy of Japan
255 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 9E6
Tel: (613) 241-8541

77 – Jordan 约旦

Jordanian nationals – apply to: General Intelligence Division
Public Security Department
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
You should provide:
(a) thumbprints and fingerprints of both hands
(b) four photographs.
Non-Jordanian nationals -obtain a Good Conduct Certificate if you are currently resident in Jordan and hold a current resident card.
A fee is payable.

78 – Kenya 肯尼亚

Apply to: Criminal Investigation Department
P O Box 30036
You should provide a full set of fingerprints, certified by local authorities.
A fee is payable.

79 – Kiribati 基里巴斯

Apply to your local police authority in Kiribati.

80 – Korea, Republic of (South) 大韩民国(南)

You must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or in French, stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offenses against the law in the Republic of Korea.

This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

81 – Kuwait 科威特

Apply to: Ministry of the Interior
Department of Criminal Evidences

82 – Latvia 拉脱维亚

Apply to: Interior Ministry
Police Department
Kr. Valdemara iela 103
LV 226013 Riga

83 – Lebanon 黎巴嫩

Apply to: Internal Security Forces
Near Hotel DIEV Hospital
East Beirut
Request an Extract of Judicial Record.

84 – Lesotho 莱索托

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
Police Headquarters
You should provide:
(a) personal details of residence and employment in Lesotho
(b) full name, date and place of birth.
Fingerprints may subsequently be requested.

85 – Liberia 利比里亚

Apply to: Liberian Ministry of Justice

86 – Libya 利比亚

Apply to: Identity Status Directorate of the
General Popular Committee for Justice
Criminal Record Section

87 – Liechtenstein 列支敦士登

Apply to: Furstlich Liechtensteinishses
Landericht Vaduz
Fl Liechtenstein
A fee is payable.

88 – Lithuania 立陶宛

Apply to your local police authority in Lithuania.

89 – Luxembourg 卢森堡

Apply in writing to: Parquet General
12 Cote d’Eich
A fee is payable.

90 – Macao 澳门

Apply to: The Director (Judiciary Police)
Macao Province Registry of Criminal and Police Records
You should provide:
(a) an application fee
(b) fingerprint details of your identity card.
A fee is payable.
Applicants of Chinese origin -you should write your name in Chinese characters.

91 – Macedonia 马其顿

Apply to your local police authority in Macedonia.

92 – Malawi 马拉维

Apply to: Office of the Inspector General
Malawi Police
Private Bag 305
Capital City
Llongwe 3

93 – Malaysia 马来西亚

You must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or in French, stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offenses against the law in Malaysia.

This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

Apply to the Malaysian Mission abroad or Consular Division, Ministry of Forein Affairs, Wisma Putra 50602 Kuala Lumpur.

94 – Mali 马里

Apply to: Mali Ministry of Justice

95 – Malta 马耳他

Apply to your local police authority in Malta.

96 – Martinique 马提尼克

Refer to 46 – France for instructions.

97 – Mauritius 毛里求斯

Apply to: The Director of Public Prosecutions
Jules Koening Street
Port Louis
You should provide:
(a) full name, including maiden name and any other names used if applicable
(b) date and place of birth
(c) citizenship
(d) present address(es) and period(s) of residence in Mauritius
(e) a certified photocopy of birth certificate.

98 – Micronesia, Federated States of 密克罗尼西亚联邦

Apply to: Chief of Police
Pohnpei State
A fee is payable.

99 – Monaco 摩纳哥

You should request a Casier Judiciaire No. from:
Le Greffe Général
Palais de Justice
Rue du Colonel Bellando de Castro Macao
MC 98000 Monaco
You should provide:
(a) photocopy of identity card and/or passport
(b) full names of parents
(c) address(es) and period(s) of residence in Monaco
(d) a letter to them from the CSIC confirming that the certificate is required.
A fee is payable.

100 – Mongolia 蒙古

Applicants in Mongolia – apply to the local police authority.
Applicants outside Mongolia -contact the nearest Mongolian representative.
You should provide your passport or identity card.

101 – Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特

Apply to: Office of the Commissioner
Police Headquarters
You should provide:
(a) photocopy of passport or birth certificate
(b) set of fingerprints
(c) 3 photographs.
A fee is payable.

102 – Morocco 摩洛哥

Apply to your local police
authority in Morocco.

103 – Myanmar (Burma) 缅甸(缅甸)

Apply to the police authorities in Myanmar.

104 – Namibia 纳米比亚

Apply to: The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Home Affairs
Private Bag 13200

105 – Nepal 尼泊尔

Apply to your local police authority in Nepal.

106 – Netherlands 荷兰

You must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or in French, stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offenses against the law in the Netherlands.

This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

107 – Netherlands Antilles 荷属安的列斯群岛

Apply to: Lieutenant-Governor of the Island of Curacao Netherlands Antilles
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) date and place of birth
(c) nationality
(d) profession
(e) name of last employer in Netherlands Antilles
(f) dates of arrival and departure from Netherlands Antilles.
A fee is payable.

108 – New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚

French nationals born in New Caledonia – apply to:
Tribunal Service de Casiers Judiciaires
New Caledonia
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) present address
(c) date and place of birth, full names of parents
(d) details of identity card.
French nationals born outside New Caledonia and Non-French nationals – refer to 46 – France for instructions.

109 – New Zealand 新西兰

Contact the Liaison Officer, Licensing & Vetting Service Centre, Office of the Commissioner, Box 3012, Wellington, NZ

110 – Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜

Apply to the Central Police Archives in your area of residence.
A fee is payable.

111 – Nigeria 尼日利亚

Apply to: The Deputy Inspector-General of Police

112 – Norway 挪威

Apply to: Politihuset
Gronnlandsleiret 44
Oslo 1
You should provide:
(a) copies of passport
(b) drivers license
(c) other identification papers
(d) Norwegian identity card number (personnummer).

113 – Oman 阿曼

Apply to: Director General of Immigration & Passports
You should provide:
(a) a photocopy of passport
(b) a photocopy of the relevant pages containing an Oman resident visa

114 – Pakistan 巴基斯坦

Apply to the Town Police Officer in the area of previous residence in Pakistan.
You should provide:
(a) a set of photographs
(b) a photocopy of identification certificate.

115 – Panama 巴拿马

Residents – apply to: Policia Tecnica Judicial (PTJ)
Edifiico 424, Corregimiento De Ancon
Ciudad De Panama, Republica De Panama.
Apartado Postal 1299, Panama 1,
Republica De Panama
Non-residents – a Certificate of Good Conduct cannot be obtained by mail. If you have a relative (up to fourth degree) living in Panama, you should arrange a power of attorney for that person to request and obtain the certificate on your behalf from the address above.
The relative should provide your:
(a) full name
(b) nationality
(c) sex
(d) date of birth
(e) reason for requesting certificate
(f) for foreigners, a date of entry into Panama is required.
A fee is payable.

116 – Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚

A written request for a character check should be addressed to:
National Criminal Records and Intelligence Office
Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary
PO Box 85
Konedobu N.C.D.
Papua New Guinea
You should provide:
(a) full names and former names
(b) date and place of birth
(c) present address
(d) all former addresses
(e) years of residence in Papua New Guinea
(f) a self-addressed envelope with return postage.
A fee is payable.

117 – Peru 秘鲁

Peruvian nationals -apply to your local police authority for a character certificate.
Doha Peruvian nationals residing outside Peru -apply in writing to:
Attention: Department De Relkaciones Publicans
Policia De Investigators Del Peru PIP Avenida Espana
Quadra 4 S/N Lima 1
You must request a Cedula Para Peruanos Residents En el Extrajero.
You should provide:
(a) your full name
(b) the number of your Liberta Electoral.
On receipt of this form, take it to your local police authority to have your fingerprints taken and then return the completed document to Lima so that a certificate can be issued. This can be a very time consuming process.

118 – Philippines 菲律宾

Apply directly to the authorities in the Philippines. As well as obtaining a certificate from the local police precinct in the locality where you have been residing for the past three to six months, you should also obtain a National Bureau of Investigation certificate from the:
Identification Records Division
National Bureau of Investigation
Taft Avenue
The Philippines
All certificates can be obtained by next-of-kin if the applicant is resident outside the Philippines.

119 – Poland 波兰

Apply to: Do Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwosci
Centralny Rejestr Skazanych
00-958 Warsawa
04 Swierczewskiego
(Ministry of Justice, Central Register of Convictions, Warsaw) There are branches of this agency in most large cities, usually called (in English) an Information Agency (followed by a number and name of the town).
A fee is payable.

120 – Portugal 葡萄牙

Residents – apply direct to local police authorities in Portugal.
Non-residents -apply to the nearest Portuguese Diplomatic or Consular Office, or through a third person to the relevant police authority in Portugal. Applications should be made on the special form Certificado de Registro Criminal. You will need to give details of your passport or identity card.
A fee is payable.

121 – Qatar 卡塔尔

Apply to: Criminal Evidence and Information Department
P O Box 6797
State of Qatar, Arabian Gulf
You should provide:
(a) a letter from the applicant requesting the issuance of a clearance statement
(b) a full photocopy of your passport, including the residence permit page
(c) 3 passport-size photographs
(d) a fingerprint certificate issued by the police station in your town of residence, duly attested.
A fee is payable.

122 – Reunion Island 留尼汪岛

Refer to 46 – France for instructions.

123 – Romania 罗马尼亚

Apply to your local police authority for a Cazier Juidiciar.

124 – Samoa 萨摩亚

Apply to: Samoa Police, Prisons and Fire Services
Police Headquarters
P O Box 53
You should provide:
(a) your birth certificate and/or passport
(b) a photograph.
A fee is payable.

125 – Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯

Citizens -nationals should obtain a police certificate from the Saudi authorities. Apply to the Directorate of Saudi Arabian Civil Police.
Temporary residents (Moslems only) currently living in Saudi Arabia should obtain police certificates as outlined above for citizens. Saudi Arabian police certificates are not available to all other temporary residents, including those who have previously been temporarily resident in Saudi Arabia.

126 – Senegal 塞内加尔

Apply to: Ministry of Justice
A fee is payable.

127 – Serbia 塞尔维亚

Apply to your local police authority in Serbia.

128 – Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂

Apply to: Ministry of Justice
Sierra Leone

129 – Singapore 新加坡

You must provide a separate Statutory Declaration, in English or in French, stating whether you have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with, offenses against the law in Singapore.

This Statutory Declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.

130 – Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克共和国

Residents – appy to: Register Trestov GP SR
Zahradnicka 10
821 08 Bratislava
Non Residents – contact your nearest Slovak or Czech Embassy or Consulate.
A fee is payable.

131 – Slovenia 斯洛伐克共和国

Apply to your local police authority in Slovenia.

132 – Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛

Apply to: Royal Solomon Island Police Headquarters
Attn: CID Officer
P O Box G3
A fee is payable.

133 – Somalia 索马里

Apply to your local police authority in Somalia.

134 – South Africa 南非

Apply to: The Commissioner
Criminal Bureau
Security Branch
South African Police
Private Bag 308
Pretoria 0001
Republic of South Africa
The application must be in writing. You should provide:
(a) fee
(b) full names
(c) date of birth
(d) place of birth
(e) complete set of fingerprints.
Applicants who are resident in the UK – write for advice to:
The Consul-General
South African Embassy
Trafalgar Square
London WC2N 5DP

135 – Spain 西班牙

Certificates can be obtained: in Madrid – from the:
Ministry of Justice
Central Registry of Convictions
San Bernardo
21 28015 Madrid
outside Madrid – from your local police.
outside Spain – through a Spanish Consulate.

136 – Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡

Sri Lankan nationals – apply to: Inspector-General of Police
General Police Headquarters
Colombo 1
Sri Lanka

137 – St Christopher and Nevis 圣克里斯托弗和尼维斯

Apply to: Police Headquarters
P O Box 189
St Kitts
You should provide:
(a) full name
(b) birth certificate
(c) mother’s full name.
A fee is payable.

138 – St Lucia 圣卢西亚

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
Police Headquarters
Bridge Street
St Lucia
You should provide:
(a) date of birth
(b) addresses
(c) a full set of fingerprints
(d) two photographs.
A fee is payable.

139 – St Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
Police Headquarters
St Vincent
St Vincent and the Grenadines
You should provide two photographs, one of which must be notarised.
A fee is payable.

140 – Surinam 苏里南

Apply to: District Governor of Paramarebo
Klaina Combeweg
You should provide:
(a) your birth certificate
(b) two photographs.
A fee is payable.

141 – Swaziland 斯威士兰

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
P O Box 49
You should provide:
(a) full personal details
(b) a set of fingerprints certified by your local police.

142 – Sweden 瑞典

Apply to: Rikspolisstyrelsen
P O Box 12236
S102 26 Stockholm
You should provide a Swedish personbevis or a photocopy of your passport.
A fee is payable.

143 – Switzerland 瑞典

Apply to: Schweizerisches Zentralpolizeiburo
3003 Berne
You should provide full personal details and particulars of your residence in Switzerland.
Swiss nationals -forward evidence of identification in the form of an Identity Card, passport, family book.
Non-Swiss nationals – forward Identity Card, residence permit or passport. Swiss Embassies or Consulates will certify sighting of documents if you are not prepared to send documents overseas.
A fee is payable.

144 – Syria 叙利亚

Syrian nationals – apply to: The Directorate of Judicial
Penal Certificates Section
You should provide proof of identity (usually your Identity Card).
A fee is payable.

145 – Taiwan 台湾

Apply to: Taipei or Kaohsiung Municipal Police Headquarters or the Taiwan Provincial Police Headquarters.
Applicants who have their household registered in Taipei City or Kaohsiung City should apply to the appropriate Municipal Police headquarters.
Applicants who have their household registered elsewhere should apply to the relevant provincial Police headquarters.
A fee is payable.

146 – Tanzania 坦桑尼亚

Apply to: Identification Bureau
Fingerprint Branch
Ministry of Home Affairs
P O Box 9094
Dar Es Salaam
You should provide:
(a) full personal details
(b) a set of fingerprints certified by local authorities.
A fee is payable.

147 – Thailand 泰国

Apply to: The Commissioner
Royal Thai Police Department
Rama I Road, Pratumwan
Bangkok 10330
Applications in Thailand – you should provide:
(a) a passport
(b) two passport size photographs
(c) house registration (Thai nationals only)
(d) military exemption certificate (Thai males only).
Overseas applications – you should provide:
(a) a copy of your passport or travel document certified at a Thai Embassy or Consulate
(b) two passport size photographs
(c) three sets of fingerprints (contact your local police station).
You need to make your own arrangements to send the certificate to, or collect it from, the Thai Police Department.

148 – Togo 多哥

Apply to: Ministry of Justice

149 – Tonga 汤加

Apply to: Office of the Minister for Police
P O Box 8
A fee is payable.

150 – Trinidad & Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥

Applicants in Trinidad & Tobago -apply in person at the nearest police station in the district in which you reside.
Applicants applying from overseas -forward the following to the nearest Trinidad & Tobago Embassy, High Commission or Consulate:
(a) a set of fingerprints, certified by your local police authorities
(b) copies of your identification or social security card
(c) copies of the first four pages of your passport
(d) the address(es) at which you resided in Trinidad & Tobago.
A fee is payable.

151 – Tunisia 突尼斯

Apply to: The Ministry of the Interior

152 – Turkey 土耳其

Turkish nationals – apply to:
Adalet Bakanligi
Adli Sicil Istatistik Genel Mudurlugu
Tuna Cad. No 10
You will need to provide your identity card.
Non-Turkish nationals who have been resident in Turkey -apply to:
Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu
Yabancilar Daire Baskanligi
Ilkadim Cad. No 89
06100 Dikmen
You should provide your identity card.
A fee may be payable.

153 – Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
Grand Turk
Turks and Caicos Islands
You should provide:
(a) a full set of fingerprints
(b) one photograph
(c) a letter with personal particulars (eg, name, date and place of birth, etc).

154 – Tuvalu 图瓦卢

Apply to: Office of Commissioner of Police
A fee is payable.

155 – Uganda 乌干达

Apply to: CID Headquarters
P O Box 2793

156 – Ukraine 乌克兰

Apply to your local police authority.

157 – United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国

Apply to: Ministry of Interior
Dubai: Criminal Investigation Department
Dubai Police General Headquarters
Abu Dhabi: General Police Directorate
Criminal Investigation Section
Sharjah: Sharjah Police
Other Emirates: check with your local police department.

158 – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 英国大不列颠及北爱尔兰

You are legally entitled to gain access to information about yourself under section 21 of the Data Protection Act 1998.
You need to request a Person Record: Prosecution/Criminal History.
Enquiries can be directed through your local police station to:
National Identification Service
Rm 1229
Metro Police Service
London SW1 H0BG
Note: If you are resident, or have been previously resident, in Scotland, ask your local police station for a Scottish Criminal Record Office subject access request. A Scottish Police Clearance constitutes a Clearance for Scotland only, unless the Clearance states that the ‘Police national computer’ has been accessed, in which case the Clearance will constitute a Police Clearance for the whole of the United Kingdom.
A fee is payable.

159 – United States of America 美利坚合众国

Apply in writing for an FBI identification record to the:
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Attn: Identification Division
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburgh, West Virginia 26306
United States of America
You should provide:
(a) satisfactory proof of your identity
(b) a processing fee
(c) full names
(d) date and place of birth
(e) a set of rolled ink fingerprint impressions placed upon a fingerprint card or form commonly used by law enforcement agencies.
The FBI will tell you the amount of the fee. In Canada, some police offices and some security firms provide a fingerprinting service.
For applicants in the United States of America:
You must go to your local Police Station to complete an
“Applicant Card” and have your fingerprints taken.
“Applicant Cards” may be obtained through your State Police or Federal Bureau of Investigation or calling, (304) 625 5590 and selecting Option #3.
Once your fingerprints have been taken you then send this card to the FBI and request a copy of your record listing together with the following:
1. The letter from CSIC requesting your Police Certificate
2. Your full name, your date of birth and place of birth
3. Fee US$18 (must be a certified cheque or money order payable to the US Treasury)
The Address is: Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters
C.J.I.S. Division.
Attn. Scu, Mod. D2
1000 Custer Hollow Road
For applicants living in Canada, you can obtain the assistance of a private firm International Fingerprinting Services Canada Ltd. For further information you may visit http://www.ifs.ca

160 – Vanuatu 瓦努阿图

Apply to: Commissioner of Police
Private Mail Bag 014
Port Vila
You should provide:
(a) details of previous residence and employment in Vanuatu
(b) full personal details (full names, including any changes of name, date and place of birth) and your current address.
The Police will release details directly to you.
A fee is payable.

161 – Venezuela 委内瑞拉

A Good Conduct Certificate is issued by the Parish in which you reside in Venezuela.

162 – Vietnam 越南

Apply at the Department of Justice in the province or city in which you are registered as resident.

163 – Virgin Islands (British) 维尔京群岛(英国)

Apply to: Chief of Police
P O Box 64
Road Town
British Virgin Islands
You should provide an affidavit with the following passport details:
(a) full name
(b) place and date (day, month, year) of issue
(c) renewal date (if renewed)
(d) citizenship
(e) date of birth.
A fee is payable.

164 – Wallis & Futuna 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛

Refer to 46 – France for instructions.

165 – Yemen 也门

Apply to: Director General of Criminal Investigation
Ministry of Interior and Security
(General Administration & Criminal

166 – (former republics of) Yugoslavia (前共和国)南斯拉夫

A police certificate is obtainable from each local police authority.

167 – Zaire 扎伊尔

Apply to your local police authority in Zaire.

168 – Zambia 赞比亚

Apply to: Zambia Police
P O Box 50104
You should provide:
(a) two photographs
(b) a set of police certified fingerprints of all fingers and thumbs
(c) dates and addresses of all places of residence in Zambia.
A fee is payable.

169 – Zimbabwe 津巴布韦

Apply to: CID,
Cnr 10th St & Josiah Chinamano Ave
P.O. Box CY 683Causeway
or any Zimbabwean overseas mission.
You should provide:
(a) your full name
(b) your date and place of birth
(c) any previous names, dates and addresses during residence in Zimbabwe.
(d) 2 copies of finger print form (obtained from any commercial printer) with your finger prints on (any police station will do this)
(e) processing fee of Z$400
(f) Z$400 revenue stamps (postage stamps)