

这里给出的是探亲访问邀请函模板。还有商务访问:加拿大商务访问邀请函模板/Sample Business Invitation Letter供你参考。邀请函不是法律文件。详细的法律信息,请查阅 【移民和难民保护法】及 条例。







• 完整的姓名。
• 出生日期。
• 该人的地址和电话号码。
• 你与被邀请人的关系。
• 此行的目的。
• 被邀请人打算留在加拿大多久。
• 详细住宿和生活费用。
• 被邀请人打算离开加拿大的日期。


• 完整的姓名。
• 出生日期。
• 在加拿大的地址及电话号码。
• 职业。
• 您的身份是加拿大公民或永久居民
• 在加拿大的身份证明复印件。例如,如果你出生在加拿大,提供加拿大出生证明,或如果你是一个归化公民,提供加拿大公民卡。如果你是永久居民,提供你的永久居民身份(PR卡或IMM-1000登陆证明副本)。

示范邀请函样本1:Sample Invitation Letter

(Below is a sample invitation letter. The names on it are ficticious but this format has been used and visas have been issued using this format. )

March 27th, 2010

Hello Daddy and Mummy,

As follow-up to our telephone discussion, please take this as a formal invitation to Vancouver for a visit. Please plan to come around June 10th 2010 so that you can stay for about 2 – 3weeks and celebrate my birthday with us on 28th of June 2010. This will be a great opportunity for you to see your first grandchild, Peter. All my friends and church members are so eager to see you again.

Love You lots,

Name: Dr. Lihong Liu
Address:.1 Zhongnanhai, Dongcheng Disctrict, Beijing, 100088
Date of Birth – May 12, 1940
Telephone: +861062259999
Relationship: Father.

Name:Mrs. Jia Meng
Address:.1 Zhongnanhai, Dongcheng Disctrict, Beijing, 100088
Date of Birth – Aug 12, 1948
Telephone: +861062259999
Relationship: Mother.

Name: Mr Dehua (Andy) Liu
Address: #102, 234 Sherbrooke Ave, Vancouver, BC. V8X 4G5, Canada.
Date of Birth: 28th June, 1978
Telephone: 1-514-444-2233
Status in Canada – Citizen
Profession: Computer Engineer, Nortel networks

Name: Mrs. Xiaoqing (Emily) Wang
Address: #102, 234 Sherbrooke Ave, Vancouver, BC. V8X 4G5, Canada.
Date of Birth: 5th December, 1980
Telephone: 1-123-456-7890
Status in Canada – Permanent Resident
Profession: Accountant, Ayase Technology.

示范邀请函样本2:Sample Invitation Letter

RE:Letter of Invitation for ________To Whom It May Concern:

My name is _________, and I would ask that you accept this letter as my letter of invitation for ________ to visit me temporarily in Canada. I intend to financially support both _______ trip to and from Canada as well ______while she is in Canada. As _______ air ticket will have an expiry date, her trip to Canada will not exceed six months of her arrival date. I have also attached a recent bank statement to demonstrate that I have the funds to support _______during her stay in Canada. ______ will be residing with me during her stay.

My home address is:

For your information, I have included the following information about myself and my guests:
Canadian Passport # _______
Social Insurance # ________
Born ______________
Presently employed at ___________ located at _________
Employee of ______ since ***
Work #

In the event that you require further information about me and/or my inviation to ____ _______, feel free to contact me at ________or by mail at my aforementioned address.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider my letter of invitation.

Mr _________

Hope this can help you

Name: Dr. Lihong Liu
Address:.1 Zhongnanhai, Dongcheng Disctrict, Beijing, 100088
Date of Birth – May 12, 1940
Telephone: +861062259999
Relationship: Father.
Name:Mrs. Jia Meng
Address:.1 Zhongnanhai, Dongcheng Disctrict, Beijing, 100088
Date of Birth – Aug 12, 1948
Telephone: +861062259999
Relationship: Mother.