卑诗省省提名BC PNP 商业计划书 指南

加拿大官方移民留学资讯。Immigration To Canada 关于嘉和国际的徽标说明:祥云蒸蔚 紫气东来 嘉和国际 版权所有
未经许可 不得转载
加拿大官方移民留学资讯。Immigration To Canada 关于嘉和国际的徽标说明:祥云蒸蔚 紫气东来

卑诗省省提名BC PNP 商业计划书 指南

BC PNP的申请人是拟议中的商业/企业的业主,因此应积极参与该商业计划的编攥,并熟悉商业计划的各个方面。BC PNP办公室 希望所提交的商业计划不超过20页A4纸。

1. 内容提要

• 用一页纸, 说明该商业计划 是在不列颠哥伦比亚省新创建,或是部分/全部收购现有企业。

2. 业务概览

• 描述商业模式,并确定具体提供的商品和服务
• 确定拟议中的商业/企业的关键成功因素
• 分析该商业/企业的可行性
• 描述作为申请人,你有何资质能承担此重任,它和你过去的商业/企业/管理经验的关联
• 解释你将如何审慎对待这一商业机会

3. 公司和股东结构

• 详细描述商业结构的类型(自雇,合伙企业 或有限公司)
• 申请人股权 %,以及将来的商业/企业的创业资金的来源

4. 管理结构

• 提供商业/企业的组织结构图,确定每个角色,和职位责任
• 重点说明在日常商业/企业管理活动中你个人担当的角色
• 如果有高管介入,请说明你与该名高管以前的工作关系
• 如果有商业合作伙伴介入,请说明他们以前的培训和工作经历与拟议中商业关联
• 如果有商业合作伙伴,供应商或其他关系人介入,请说明你是如何与对方相识的

5. 运营操作

• 提供示意图,说明该企业将如何经营
• 指明你的产品,原材料或服务供应商的信息
• 描述你的商业/企业如何通过你的流程和运作增加产品附加值
• 确定你的的产品/服务的直接客户
• 详细描述地理位置和实际布局,包括租赁或收购的物业面积
• 详细列举和描述资本投资需求,如设备及机器装备

6. 工作人员

• 根据运营需要,给出对于加拿大永久居民或公民设立的新的职位说明,资历和薪酬信息
• 提供对于上述新职位的招聘时间表

7. 市场分析

• 确定你的目标细化市场和产品/服务的定位
• 提供价格,分销渠道,促销活动策略
• 识别和分析细化市场的主要竞争对手
• 提供优势,劣势,机会,风险(SWOT, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)分析

8. 财务分析

• 提供你的运作 包括你的产品/服务的 成本分析
• 提供的收支平衡点,投资回报率(ROI)分析
• 资产负债表
• 以月为单位的第一年现金流量预测

9. 投资进度

• 将投资分解,提供逐项说明,包括:主要资本投资,启动费用,库存和运作费用,包括雇员的工资。但不包括主申请人,主申请人家庭成员,租金,和前6个月的公用事业(3个月 ,对于现存企业/连锁专营行业)
• 提供为完成上述投资的暂定时间表

10. 相关法律,法规和许可

• 指明相关法律,法规,牌照规定和其他条款对拟定中的商业/企业的限制 并描述你将如何应对。

11. 风险管理

• 说明你管理风险的策略,风险可以根据市场和财务分析确定,并伴随其他外部风险因素,如,进入行业的阻碍,汇率风险和其他未知商业风险因素。


1. 参考文献

• 引用文献和网站的统计数据

2. 附录1

• 3年财务报表,包括资产负债表,损益表和现金流表 适当的假设说明

3. 附录2

• 申请人简历,如果适用,包括高管和当地的合作伙伴

4. 附录3

• 其他支持文件,如:商业/企业收购协议(谅解备忘录MOU),特许经营协议,股东协议等等。
• 如果购买现有的商业/企业(部分或全部),请附上相关文件,如财务报表,公平的市场价值,股份登记证,购买协议。提供解释该商业/企业价值是如何被评估的。


Mailing Address:
800-360 W Georgia Street
Vancouver BC V6B 6B2

British Columbia
Provincial Nominee Program

Applicants to BC PNP are owners of the proposed business and as such should be actively engaged in the preparation of the Business Plan and are expected to be conversant in all aspects of the Plan. BC PNP encourages applicants to provide business plans not exceeding 20 pages.

I. Executive Summary

• One page summary of the plan
• Identify whether it is a new business start-up or partial/whole takeover of an existing business in British Columbia

II. Business Overview

• Describe the business model and identify specific goods and services that the business is offering
• Identify the key success factors of the proposed business
• Analyze commercial viability of the business
• Describe how you as an applicant is qualified to undertake the business and how it relates to your past business/management experience
• Explain how you came to consider this business opportunity

III. Company and Ownership Structure

• Describe the type of business structure (proprietary, partnership or corporation)
• What is the percent ownership of the applicant and how will the venture be financed

IV. Management Structure

• Provide an organizational chart of the business identifying roles and tasks of each position
• Highlight your role in the day-to-day management of the business
• If there is a Key Staff involved, provide a rationale for the role and your previous relationship with the Key Staff.
• If any business partner(s) is/are involved, explain how their prior training and past work experiences are relevant for the proposed business.
• If partners, vendors or others are involved in the proposed business, indicate how you know each other and if you have met with them

V. Operations

• Provide a schematic as to how the operation of business will be conducted
• Identify and provide information on your suppliers of products, raw materials or services
• Describe how your business adds value through the process and the capacity of your operation
• Identify your immediate customers of your goods/services
• Describe in detail the location and physical outlay, including the size of the premise and property to be leased or acquired
• Itemize and describe capital investment needs such as equipment and machineries

VI. Staffing

• From operations, provide the job descriptions, qualifications and remunerations for the job(s) you are creating for permanent residents or citizens of Canada
• Provide a hiring schedule for each of the above new positions

VII. Market Analysis

• Identify target segment and positioning of your products/services
• Provide strategy on Price, distribution channel, promotional activities
• Identify and analyze major competitors in the segment market
• Provide SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis

VIII. Financial Analysis

• Provide cost analysis of your operation including your products/services
• Provide analysis of break-even point, Return on Investment (ROI)
• Opening pro-forma balance sheet
• First year of cash flow projections on a month by month basis

IX. Investment Schedule

• Provide investment breakdown itemizing major capital investments, start up expenses, inventory, and operational expenses such as salaries for employees excluding applicant and family’s, rent, utilities for the first 6 months of business undertaking (3 months’ expenses in case of investing into an existing business or a franchise)
• Provide a tentative timeline for completing the above investment

X. Governing Laws, Regulations and Licensing

• Identify relevant laws, regulations, licensing requirements and other barriers to entry for the proposed business and describe how you will address each of them

XI. Risk Management

• Describe your strategy to manage risks identified in market and financial analysis along with other external risk factors arising from barriers to entry, currency exchange risk, and other business environmental factors not accounted for

Please include the following additional Information:

i. References

• Cite literatures and websites surveyed

ii. Appendix 1

• 3-year pro-forma Financial Statements including balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statement with appropriate notes on assumptions

iii. Appendix 2

• Resumes of the Applicant(s), and if applicable of Key Staff(s) and local partner(s)

iv. Appendix 3

• Other Supporting Documentations such as business purchase agreements (MOUs), franchise agreements, shareholder(s) agreement, etc.

• If purchasing an existing business (partial or whole), please attach relevant documents such as financial statements, fair market value, share registry, purchase agreement in the appendix. Provide an explanation on how the business is being valued.

v. For Farm Businesses only

• The Business Plan for an agricultural activity should be based on or cover the issues described in the document Taking Stock – A Farm Business Planning Workbook For The Beginning Farmer prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and available here:


• All Business Plans for agricultural activities must include a feasibility statement

(i.e. does the plan make economic sense?) prepared by a consultant from the List of Eligible Consultants approved by the Ministry of Agriculture under its B.C. Farm Business Advisory Services Program. See the following web link:


IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you are using the most current version of this guide. To verify this please visit our website at www.WelcomeBC.ca/PNP