
Spouse-Common-Law Partner in Canada Class  – Handout #5 (APR Training Module 9)





The application kit requires applicants to submit certain documents as proof of the relationship. Officers must be satisfied that the relationship is genuine and that the applicant is living with the sponsor in Canada.





  • a marriage certificate;
  • a Spouse/Common-law Partner Questionnaire IMM5285
  • proof of divorce if either the applicant or spouse were previously married; and
  • evidence that the applicant lives with the sponsor, e.g. mortgage, lease, other documents showing the same address for both.
  • 结婚证书
  • IMM5285配偶/同居伴侣问卷表
  • 如果申请人或担保人以前有婚史,提供离婚证明
  • 证明申请人和担保人共同居住的证据,如:贷款协议,租赁协议,或其他文件显示使用同一地址


Evidence may also include:


  • wedding invitations and photos; and
  • documents from other institutions or other government authorities, such as the Canada Revenue Agency, indicating a marital relationship
  • 婚礼邀请函和照片;以及
  • 其他机构或者政府机关出具的凭证:加拿大税务署报税单据,证明是以夫妻身份共同报税




  • IMM5285 Spouse/Common-law Questionnaire (included in the application package);
  • proof of separation from a former spouse if either the sponsor or the applicant were previously married; and
  • evidence that they have been living together for at least one year (e.g. joint lease agreements, bank accounts, life insurance/health care beneficiary designations, credit cards, income tax returns, etc.)


  • IMM5285 配偶/同居伴侣问卷表
  • 如果担保人或申请人有婚史,提供与前配偶分居的证明
  • 证明共同居住至少一年,如:联合租约,联合银行帐号,生命保险/医疗保险收益人,联名信用卡,申报个人所得税单据,等



One of the eligibility criteria in R124  is co-habitation  with the sponsor in Canada. Documents provided as proof of the relationship  should also establish that the spouse or common-law partner and the sponsor are living together. If this is not clear from the evidence available, CPC-V should request further documentation or consult with SDS.

在加拿大联邦移民法R124条款中规定,与担保人共同居住是必备的条件之一。因而,应提交足够的材料以证明申请人和担保人共同居住。如果材料不足,签证办事处的签证官应索取更多相关支持材料或咨询SDS(Sustainable Development Strategy 加拿大联邦移民部可持续性策略发展及咨询部门)。



  • Officers should be satisfied that a genuine relationship exists. A marriage, common-law or dependent child relationship which is not genuine or undertaken primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege will be refused (R4). Officers should carefully examine the documents submitted as proof of the relationship to ensure that they are not fraudulent.
  • If the documents provided do not give adequate proof of a genuine marital or conjugal relationship, or if officers doubt that the applicant is living with the sponsor, the officer should consult with the SDS.
  • As per R4.1, divorces or separations of convenience are now considered to be part of the “bad faith” regulation.


  • 签证官应评估这个婚姻关系真实存在。根据R4条款,一个虚假的或以移民为目的婚姻关系,同居伴侣关系或受抚养子女的关系将遭到拒签。签证官应仔细审核关系证明文件,确保无欺诈造假。
  • 如果所提交的文件,难以证明婚姻关系是真实的或者签证官怀疑他们未真正居住在一起,则签证官可以咨询SDS(Sustainable Development Strategy 加拿大联邦移民部可持续性策略发展及咨询部门)。
  • 根据R4.1条款, 以移民为目的的离婚或分居将适用“虚假婚姻”条款。

Some Indicators as to a NON-GENUINE marital relationship


  • Chinese nationals, often university students, marrying non-Chinese.
  • Photos do not include parents or any family members. Usually small groups of friends, 6 to 10 people in the photos.
  • Private marriage ceremony performed by either a minister or justice of the peace.
  • The reception is informal in a restaurant, reception will end after dinner.
  • Sponsor is often uneducated, with a low-paying job or on welfare.
  • In the photos, the couple do not kiss on the lips.
  • Couples usually do not have a honeymoon, not even a couple of days away, usually because of university and/or no money.
  • There are usually no “diamond” rings.
  • Some are having real wedding pictures taken by a professional, but pictures are very limited.
  • Some submit photos of them dressed in pyjamas or cooking, to show they are living together.
  • Photos have them wearing the same clothes, in various locations
  • Are they touching each other in the photos, or trying not to touch?
  • Photos of activities together are often taken in the Niagara Falls area, Niagara-on-the-Lake and Toronto. The couples may have lived in Niagara Falls, St. Catharine’s, Beamsville, Weiland, Thorold, Grimsby, etc.


  • 中国人,通常是大专院校学生,嫁给非华裔
  • 提供的照片没有父母或者家庭成员。通常是6-10个朋友的聚会照片
  • 由单独的牧师或者婚姻见证人主持的非公开婚礼
  • 婚宴是在餐厅举行,非常不正规,并在晚宴后结束
  • 担保人学历低,收入低或正享受政府福利
  • 照片中,双方亲吻不自然,没有唇吻
  • 婚后没有度蜜月,未休假,并以学业繁忙及或资金不足为由
  • 没买“钻石”婚戒
  • 有时会有专业级真实的婚礼照片,但数量有限
  • 有时提供身着睡衣或者是在做饭的照片,显示他们生活在一起
  • 有时提供的照片,在不同的场景中,着衣一样
  • 他们在照片中是否有亲密动作,或者试图回避亲密动作?
  • 照片都是在尼亚加拉瀑布,尼亚加拉湖,或多伦多附近的活动。说明他们曾在 Niagara Falls, St. Catharine’s, Beamsville, Weiland, Thorold, Grimsby, etc. 居住过。


1) How long was it after having landed in Canada as PR before current FC1 sponsor separated from his/her own, original, past FC1 sponsor?


2) How long was it after their respective divorces did FC1 sponsor and FC1 applicant enter into an amorous relationship with someone else or how long was it before they got married again?


3) Has the FC1 applicant’s ex-spouse already Immigrated to Canada or the USA?  Did the ex­spouse Immigrate to Canada as FC1?  Is the ex-spouse an illegal alien in Canada or in the USA?


4) Are any of the last names of the FC1 sponsor, the FC1 applicant, their respective ex- spouses, their respective parents, and the children of the FC1 applicant (if any) the same? (Please noted that it is possible that everyone in one, single village bears the same Chinese last name.  Same last name, therefore, does not necessary mean blood relations.  One must also look at other factors.)


5) Is that same last name an unusual Chinese last name rather then the usual and very common Chinese last names such as Wang, Huang, Li, Chen, and etc….?


6)  Is the given name of the FC1 sponsor very similar to the given names ofFC1 applicant, or his/her siblings or parents or uncle and aunts, and vice versa (the difference of one Chinese character, which signifies siblings or 1st cousins blood relationship )


7)     How much do they have to gain by getting Perm. Res. and what previous steps have they taken to obtain it (ex. Refugee claim that was failed; H&C, long term overstay that disappeared for years)  Someone from USA doesn’t gain that much (our economy and standard of living are similar, fairly safe country) as compared to someone coming from a very poor country or a country where there is much unrest, violence, war,etc.  Could they be entering into a marriage of convenience (MOC) solely to avoid having to go back to a bad situation?  The more they have to gain the higher the bar is to satisfy the bona fides.


8)     Length they have known each other.   Did they meet and marry or cohabit together in less then 6 months?


9)       Age difference-is there a large age difference between the sponsor and the applicant of 10 years or more.


10)  Educational background.  Are they similar or is one highly educated and the other has minimal education.


11)  Ethnical background—are they from similar cultures or do their cultures vary greatly.


12)  Did the sponsor gain Canadian Perm. Res. by being sponsored or has previously sponsored someone else.  If so, how long after either one got their perm. res. did they file for divorce; how long before the new relationship began.  Check previously sponsored spouses to see if they have since sponsored someone else.  This could identify a “MOC ring”


13)  Are the pictures all staged, or are some just casual photos of several different events.  Check to see if they are wearing the same clothes in all the pictures. Studio pictures look nice but may be staged.


14)  Check address history to see if it concurs with addresses they are providing tenancy/mortgage agreements for.  (ie.  if they have a lease agreement dated 01Jan05 for

1234 ABC Road, and client applied for an extension in March 05 and gave a different address—does not jive with info provided)


15)  Stat decs by friends and family—are the all worded the same—how honest does it sound if 5 people simply sign a piece of paper with “words” on it. It should be their own words.




Bad faith


(1) For the purposes of these Regulations, a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner of a person if the marriage, common-law partnership or conjugal partnership

(a) was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act; or

(b) is not genuine.

Adopted children

(2) A foreign national shall not be considered an adopted child of a person if the adoption

(a) was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act; or

(b) did not create a genuine parent-child relationship.

Sponsorship of adopted children

(3) Subsection

(2) does not apply to adoptions referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g) and subsections 117(2) and (4).