国家品牌指数 加拿大蝉联榜首 美国第六

国际品牌咨询公司「未来品牌」(Future Brand)编制的国家品牌指数(Country Brand Index)排行榜,最近在伦敦的第32届世界旅游市场年度大会上公布,加拿大连续第二年名列第一。居第二位的是瑞士,再来依次为纽西兰、日本、澳大利亚、美国、瑞典、芬兰、法国、意大利。


Country Brand Index 2011

Welcome to the seventh annual FutureBrand Country Brand Index

(CBI), our global study of country brand strength. The 2011-2012 CBI documents perceptions around 113 nations, and is based on more interviews, insights and information than any other study of its kind. In its development, we utilized social media tools to investigate amongst key opinion-formers and influencers, asking them what makes a country’s brand powerful and unique.

What makes a strong country brand?

At FutureBrand, we assess the strength of a country brand in much the same way as any other brand. We measure awareness, familiarity, preference, consideration, advocacy and active decisions to visit or interact with a place.

But the most important factors—the aspects that truly differentiate a country brand—are its associations and attributes across five key dimensions: Value System, Quality of Life, Good for Business, Heritage and Culture and Tourism.

A strong country brand is more than the sum of its attributes: in total, it must make people’s lives better.

TheFutureBrand 2011-2012 Country Brand Index is our most comprehensive study of country brands to date. It is based on more respondents across more countries and questions than ever before. After seven years of research, we know that country brand strength is driven by perceptions of heritage and culture, tourism, what it’s like to do business, quality of life and national value systems. But above all, a strong country brand is more than the sum of its attributes: it makes peoples’ lives better.