加拿大移民部 签证办事处 移民申请甄选面试问题: 工作类

你提交了申请, 想移民加拿大. 然后接到签证办事处的电话,要求你参加遴选面试。你的选择是:A)恐慌 或 B)准备。如果你选择了’B’,我们可以帮助你,加拿大嘉和国际集20年加拿大移民经验之大成,总结出一套典型问题清单,让你在面对移民官质询时应对自如。


第二类:关于你的工作和资质  Category 2: Job and Qualifications
你在哪里工作? Where are you working now?
你的职位? What is your title?
你的工作主要包括? What does your job involve?
你是从事全职还兼职工作? Is this a full time or part time job?
你在这家公司工作多久了? How long have you worked at this company?
你在此职位有多长时间? Have you had the same position since you started?
你在此之前从事什么工作? What jobs have you had prior to this?
你能提供参考人吗? Can you provide references?
请告诉我们你的教育背景 Tell us about your educational background.
对于你目前的工作,你有什么资质? What qualifications do you have for your present job?
在从事此职位之前,你有过什么训练? Were you trained before taking on this role?
有多少人在你的部门/公司工作?你管理多少人? How many people work in your department /company? How many work under you?
在公司里,你的上级是谁?你能不能把他们的联系方式给我? Who do you report to in the company? Could you give us their contact information?
你现在在做什么? What are your currently working on?
你认为你在公司的表现怎么样? Would you say you are doing well in this company?
你为什么要离职,转而移民加拿大,面对不确定的未来? Why would you want to quit this job and head for an uncertain future in Canada?
你认为你会在加拿大很容易找到类似的工作吗? Do you think you will easily find a similar job in Canada?
你认为你的资历足以帮助你找到一份工作吗? Do you think your qualifications are sufficient to help you find a job?
你计划在加拿大进一步学习吗? Do you plan to study further in Canada?
你有没有在加拿大进行学历评估? Have you had your qualifications assessed in Canada?