加拿大移民部 签证办事处 移民申请甄选面试问题: 财务类

你提交了申请, 想移民加拿大. 然后接到签证办事处的电话,要求你参加遴选面试。你的选择是:A)恐慌 或 B)准备。如果你选择了’B’,我们可以帮助你,加拿大嘉和国际集20年加拿大移民经验之大成,总结出一套典型问题清单,让你在面对移民官质询时应对自如。


第三类:关于你的财务状况 Category 3: Financial Position
你现在的工作收入怎么样? How much money do you earn at your present job?
你有任何其他收入来源吗?收入如何? Do you have any other sources of income? How much do you earn from those?
你在银行有没有存款? How much money do you have in the banks?
你能提供过去1/2/3年的银行对账单吗? Can you provide bank statements for the last 1/2/3 years?
你有什么其他资产?物业?股票和债券?黄金? What other assets do you have? Property? Stocks and bonds? Gold?
你目前资产的市场价值?你有一份评估报告? What are your assets worth, approximately, at today’s market rates? Do you have an assessment report?
如果你的移民申请获得批准,在来加拿大前你会卖掉你的资产吗? If your immigration application were to be approved, would you sell your assets before moving to Canada?