


March XX, 20XX
Your Name
Your Add
Your Tel

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, XXX, registered at the University of Ottawa as a full-time student in the Bachelor of XXX, would like to invite my mother Mrs. XXX, born XX XX XXXX, to visit me in Canada from July, 20XX.

The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with me at the above address. I will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Your help in issuing a temporary resident visa for my mother would be greatly appreciated.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

Your Name




XXX Don Mills Road

Unit XXX

Toronto, ON

Canada XXX XXX

Phone: 1-416-XXXXXXX


April 30, 2007

Canadian Consulate General

Immigration Section

1367 Nanjing Xi Lu

Suite 668

Shanghai, China (PRC)


Phone: 86-21-62798400



Dear Sir or Madam:

My graduation ceremony will take place in June 2007.
Sincethey have supported my throughout my college years, I would like toinvite my parents to visit Canada and attend the ceremony.

Myname is XXX and I was born on XXX. In XXX, I left my motherland to cometo Canada to study XXX at Seneca College of Applied Arts andTechnology, so I am a visa student right now. During the three-yearperiod of my life of studying (1 year for language and 2 years for mymajor), my mother, XXX, and my father, XXX, spent a lot of energy andmoney to support my completing these courses.
Thus, I believe that attending my Graduation Ceremony would be an excellent opportunity to repay them for their support.
I know they will be proud of and happy for me.

In additional, summer is a great season for tourism and shopping in Canada.
It would give my family the chance to enjoy Canada and family life.
This is especially true for my father who he is a businessman who always works hard to ensure his business is successful.
I also gave up my two summer vacations to do my best to finish my program sooner.
As a result, we have not seen each other for three years.

The visit would begin on June 1st, 2007 and end at August 31, 2007.
For their visit, they plan to stay with me during the three month summer vacation period.
I and my roommate XXX have rented an apartment located in XXX.
Ithas 2 bedrooms and 1 living room and the basic rental is XXX formonthly. I and my roommate shared the rental which I have to pay XXXfor monthly from September 1st, 2006 until to August 31, 2007.(Residential Tenancy Agreement will be enclosed) I have a part timejob, so I believe that I am able to pay for this rental and otherexpense while my parents are here.

My mother was born in XXX and my father was born in XXX. They reside at XXX.
Their home telephone is XXX.
Theyare submitting their application document (IMM5257B), along with thisletter, to your office for processing. As the inviter, to the best ofmy knowledge, I have provided the required materials in order tofacilitate the processing.

I am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing my parents in Canada soon.

Should you need more information, please let me know.
I can be reached…………..



以上邀请信样本已经过我Business Writing教授的修改,而且我当时是把CIC的邀请信要求一起发给她的,所以本人认为应该没有什么大问题了。所虚准备材料:






5.亲属关系公证(公证件)4和5个人认为可以用留学申请时的公证件,所以如果你出国时没有带出来, 那就是你父母准备了

6.担保人资金证明(原件)如果是父母一起来,建议担保金尽量在$15,000 CAD左右,总之要让签证官觉得这些钱能保证你们三在3个月的访问期够用