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美国非移民签证指南:去美国,谁需要申请美国入境签证 ?Do I Need to Apply?


在一般情况下,任何人去美国访问都需要事先申请允许入境签证 并支付签证申请费。但下列人群除外:

  1. 加拿大公民
  2. 出生于加拿大第一民族成员和原住民人
  3. 免签证计划
  4. 关岛 – 北马里亚纳群岛联邦免签计划
  5. 外交官,政府代表,使馆工作人员,北约人员
  6. 富布莱特法案基金担保的学者或其他美国政府赞助项目的参加者

In general, anyone who is visiting the United States needs a visa prior to being allowed entry. In addition, most visa applicants are required to pay a visa application fee. The exceptions are listed below.

  1. Canadian Citizens
  2. Members of the First Nations and Native Americans Born in Canada
  3. Visa Waiver Program
  4. Guam – CNMI VWP
  5. Diplomats, Government Representatives, Embassy Personnel, NATO Personnel
  6. Fulbright Scholars or Participants in Other U.S. Government-sponsored Programs



例外的情况是:有犯罪记录的人士或任何其他原因不合资格的加拿大公民可能需要申请入境签证。他们应该先在美加陆路边境口岸获得美国国土安全局(DHS/CBP,Department of Homeland Security)豁免资格。






确定是否需要签证入境美国 是每个游客的责任。如果游客决定申请签证,游客应马上预约申请签证。

联系:胡先生 Quentin Hu

执牌移民顾问/ICCRC Licensed Immigration Consultant
嘉和国际咨询/Ayase International Consulting Inc.
QQ: 1318941988
Tel. 950 4034 9492 ( 中国/China )
Tel. 1 250 999 7516 ( 加拿大/Canada )
Mobile. 1 250 588 9986 (加拿大/Canada)

Canadian Citizens

Most Canadian citizens can travel to the United States with a valid passport and without a visa unless seeking to enter the United States as an Immigrant, a Fiancé(e), Treaty Trader or Treaty Investor, Foreign government official, Officials and employees of international organizations Visa or NATO officials, representatives and employees.

Some additional exceptions exist. For example, a Canadian citizen who has a criminal record or any other inelegibility might be required to apply for a visa; however, they should first request a waiver from DHS/CBP which should be obtained at the land border crossing.

Landed immigrants (Canadian permanent residents) have to apply for visas based on the country that issued their passport.

For more information, please consult:

In addition to a valid passport, Canadian citizens may require additional documentation to travel to the United States. If a Canadian plans to attend school or work in the United States, they are required to have the specific required documents for the appropriate visa category. For example, students require an I-20 form issued by the institution they plan to attend and temporary workers require an I-797 from their perspective employer. Exchange visitors require a DS-2019 from the sponsoring organization. These forms (the I-20, I-797, DS-2019, etc.) must be presented at the port of entry to the United States.

For further information, please visit these Web sites:

It is the responsibility of each traveler to determine whether or not a visa is required. If a traveler decides to apply for a visa, the traveler should use this service to make an appointment to apply for a visa.




安道尔 丹麦 匈牙利 列支敦士登 新新西兰 斯洛文尼亚
澳大利亚 爱沙尼亚 冰岛 立陶宛 挪威 韩国
奥地利 芬兰 爱尔兰 卢森堡 葡萄牙 西班牙
比利时 法国 意大利 马耳他 圣马力 诺瑞典
文莱 德国 日本 摩纳哥 新加坡 瑞士
捷克共和国 希腊 拉脱维亚 荷兰 斯洛伐克 英国

在登上前往美国的班机或海船前,所有免签证计划的旅客均须取得ESTA(​​旅游认证电子系统)批准。 更多有关ESTA的信息,请访问:。

所有ESTA(​​旅游认证电子系统)的注册,申请或更新都需要以信用卡(MasterCard, Visa, American Express)支付14美元,请看网站:。



The Visa Waiver Program

The Visa Waiver Program allows travelers to enter the United States without a visa for up to 90 days for business or pleasure. Anyone traveling to the United States for any reason other than business or pleasure requires a visa.

Currently, the following countries participate in the Visa Waiver Program:

Andorra Denmark Hungary Liechtenstein New Zealand Slovenia
Australia Estonia Iceland Lithuania Norway South Korea
Austria Finland Ireland Luxembourg Portugal Spain
Belgium France Italy Malta San Marino Sweden
Brunei Germany Japan Monaco Singapore Switzerland
Czech Republic Greece Latvia the Netherlands Slovakia United Kingdom

All Visa Waiver Program travelers are required to obtain ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) approval prior to boarding a carrier to travel by air or sea to the United States. In order to apply for an ESTA authorization, travelers should visit for additional information.

All Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) registration applications or renewals on or after that date will require a USD$14 fee payment by MasterCard, VISA or American Express at The application will not be submitted for processing until the payment authorization is received. Existing ESTA registrations remain valid through their expiration date.

For more information on the Visa Waiver Program, including passport and other eligibility requirements, visit

It is the responsibility of each traveler to determine whether or not a visa is required.


It is the responsibility of each traveler to determine whether or not a visa is required. If a traveler decides to apply for a visa, the traveler should use this service to make an appointment to apply for a visa.

Note: Canadian Citizens are visa exempt and do not require an ESTA clearance.

关岛 – 北马里亚纳群岛联邦免签



澳大利亚 文莱 日本
瑙鲁 马来西亚 新西兰
巴布亚新几内亚 英国 共和国韩国
台湾 新加坡 香港



The Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program allows the traveler to enter Guam or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) without a visa for up to 45 days for business or pleasure. Anyone traveling to Guam or the CNMI for any reason other than business or pleasure requires a visa.

Citizens of the following countries are eligible:

Australia Brunei Japan
Nauru Malaysia New Zealand
Papua New Guinea United Kingdom Republic of Korea
Taiwan Singapore Hong Kong


For further information on the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, please visit:

It is the responsibility of each traveler to determine whether or not a visa is required.