留学生工作许可:在读留学生 申请校外工作许可准入资格



  1. 有合法学习许可
  2. 在参加校外工作许可项目的合法院校就读 (请注意,并非所有私立院校,可以符合资格,参与申请校外工作许 留学生工作许可:容许申请校外工作许可的院校名单 Off campus work permits )
  3. 完成6个月以上的学习日程
  4. 取得令人满意的学习成绩
  5. 签署个人信息分享确认表 (由学院/省/移民部进行数据分享,移民部有权查询你的成绩单/学习状况)


  1. 享有加拿大外交部的奖学金
  2. 享有加拿大政府奖学金
  3. 享有加拿大国际开发署奖学金
  4. 参与中加访问/交换学者项目
  5. 学习课程是ESL(英语培训)







  1. 申请校外工作许可
  2. 申请COOP工作许可
  3. 申请毕业后工作许可

If you want to work off campus while you study in Canada, you must be registered as a full-time student at an eligible post-secondary educational institution participating in the Off-Campus Work Permit Program.

To be eligible for an Off-Campus Work Permit, you must:

have a valid study permit
study at a participating institution (for a list of participating institutions in the Off-Campus Work Permit Program, see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page)
have been a full-time student for at least six of the 12 months preceding the date of your work permit application
be in satisfactory academic standing (find out more about satisfactory academic standing in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page) and
sign a form authorizing the institution, the province, and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to share your personal information (to confirm that you are continuing to study full time and that you are in satisfactory academic standing).

You are not eligible to apply for an Off-Campus Work Permit if you are:

participating in a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program funded by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)
participating in a Government of Canada Awards Program funded by DFAIT
receiving funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
participating in the Equal Opportunity Scholarship Program, Canada-Chile
participating in the Canada-China Scholars Exchanges Program
participating in the Organization of American States Fellowships Program
attending a participating institution and registered in either an English as a Second Language or French as a Second Language program or
a visiting or exchange student.

Maintaining eligibility

To keep your work permit, you must remain a full-time student at a participating institution and continue to obtain satisfactory academic results. If you are no longer a full-time student, if you move to a non-participating institution, or if you do not maintain satisfactory academic results, you must return your work permit immediately to a local CIC office.

It is illegal for you to work in Canada with an invalid work permit. The work permit will be invalid if you do not meet the eligibility requirements of the Off-Campus Work Permit Program.

If you return your work permit to a local CIC office because you have become ineligible for the program for any of the reasons mentioned above, you may reapply to the program at a later date if you become eligible again.

If you do not return your work permit to a local CIC office, you will be found to be non-compliant. This could have a negative impact on your current stay in Canada, and any applications you make to come to Canada in the future.

Find out more about surrendering your work permit in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.

This application is for students who are already in Canada and who wish to apply for a work permit in one or more of the following programs:

Off-campus work permit program;
Co-op work program;
Post-graduation work employment program