2013 加拿大联邦技术移民申请人 需提交「专业陈述」报告Expression of Interest(EOI)

加拿大联邦技术移民申请人 需提交「专业陈述」

移民部长康尼表示,为更迅速且弹性处理技术类移民申请案件,技术移民申请人在提出申请时同时撰写一份「专业陈述」(Expression of Interest,简称EOI),以利政府及雇主寻找适合的专业人才,并促使新移民尽快加入本地劳工市场。


移民部长康尼16日在位于皮尔逊机场的喜来登酒店(Sheraton Gateway Hotel),参加一场与来自各省相关部门厅长所举行的名为「联邦、省、特区移民展望」(Federal、Provincial and Territorial Vision for Immigration)会议后,宣布EOI新政策。参加会议的包括身兼安省旅游、文化暨体育厅长、2015泛美运动会厅长及移民厅长等数职的陈国治,及其他各省、特区厅长与代表。


康尼继续说道,EOI是联邦政府参考纽西兰及澳大利亚的移民计画之后,在联邦技术移民计画(Federal Skilled Worker Program,FSWP)之下设立。预计最快在2014年前开始实施,且实施之后,可望将今后的申请案处理时间缩短到12个月内。


专业陈述说明 模板:

John David Smith
3/8 Smith St
Smithtown 3000
0416 555 555
Sunday, 21st

March, 2010
Human Resource Manager
A Mining Company
Postal address or
Address of HO

To Whom It May Concern:

RE: Expression of Interest

I would like to present this expression of interest in working as a Truck Driver within the mining industry. I am a qualified and experienced multi and heavy combination truck driver with an interest in working at mine sites, including those in remote locations. I have attached a copy of my Curriculum Vitae for your consideration.

I have the necessary qualifications and experience required to be a successful Mining Truck Driver. I am responsible with a proven strong work ethic as I have been gainfully employed since the age of 15. I have self-directed my career growth undertaking training and practical experience in areas leading to the Royal Australian Navy and the Mining Industry. Currently working as a Logistics Manager at Moreover and an Interstate Truck Driver for Gream Spargo Transport and Doe Transport, I obtained my Heavy Combination Truck License in 2005 and the Multi Combination Truck Licence in January of this year. I have been driving trucks and operating high risk machinery since 2005. My experience with high risk machinery includes operating backhoes, winches, front end loaders, bobcats and excavating; stationary and mobile cranes, forklift, loading equipment, lifting and tipping devices. I also have a Senior First Aid certificate and a Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Maritime Operations).

I am confident driving HC’s and MC’s on both bitumen and gravel roads. I have a working knowledge of occupational health and safety legislation and am a stickler for keeping the work site clean and safe.

Thank you for your time I look forward to speaking with you soon to discuss any opportunities you may have.

Yours faithfully,
John David Smith.