加拿大移民融入计划 Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP)



为了解决这个问题,由加拿大政府资助,加拿大社区学院协会(ACCC)制定和实施了加拿大移民融入计划(CIIP),让新移民在他们的原籍国时,就能融入加拿大的经济环境。 CIIP是由加拿大公民及移民部(CIC)于2007年推出的一个为期三年的(2010-2014年)试点项目。

  1. CIIP为要落地的加拿大联邦技术移民,省提名,其配偶和成年家属免费提供出发前的辅导。
  2. CIIP帮助移民准备通过在加拿大的合作伙伴提供信息,规划和在线支持,以便获得经济上的成功。
  3. CIIP在中国,印度,菲律宾和英国设有办事处,和服务提供额外的服务交付地点。


Regional Office
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
Suite 1112, Main Office Tower
Guangdong International Hotel
339 Huanshi Donglu, Guangzhou,
China, 510098
Tel: +86-20-2237-2902
Fax: +86-20-2237-2903

Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP)

Partners for Newcomer Success

Immigration is vital to Canada’s population growth and economic prosperity. Yet, while demand for their skills grows, many highly competent newcomers to Canada remain underemployed.

To address this problem, the Government of Canada funded the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) to develop and implement the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP) which prepares newcomers for economic integration while still in their country of origin. Launched as a pilot project in 2007, CIIP is now a four-year program (2010-2014) that is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

  1. CIIP provides free pre-departure orientation to Federal Skilled Workers, Provincial Nominees, their spouses and adult dependents, while they are still overseas during the final stages of the immigration process.
  2. CIIP helps immigrants prepare for economic success by providing information, planning and online support through partners in Canada.
  3. CIIP offices are located in China, India, Philippines and the United Kingdom and services are available in additional service delivery locations. Click here to get a complete list of CIIP service delivery locations.