
专家解读2015新政:快速通道移民系统评分体系 Express Entry

快速通道(Express Entry)


  1. 联邦技术移民
  2. 联邦技工移民
  3. 加拿大经验类移民

事实 Facts

  1. 加拿大各省及地区为了满足当地劳工市场需求,也可以从快速通道人才库中选取部分适合的省提名候选人。
  2. 通过快速通道系统,满足以上三类移民标准的申请人将被放入候选人才库。加拿大联邦政府、加拿大省/地区政府,以及加拿大雇主在人才库中择优录用。
  3. 加拿大雇主首先要全力寻找加拿大公民或加拿大永久居民来填补空缺的工作岗位。符合资格的雇主若无法找到合适的加拿大公民或者加拿大永久居民,则可以从人才库中挑选他们所需要的人才。
  4. 人才库中的高分的候选人将获发移民部的移民申请邀请函(Invitation to Apply,ITA)


  1. 打算居住在魁北克以外的省份;
  2. 在申请前的三年时间里有一年的全职工作经验,或等同一年全职工作的兼职工作经验,而且是在NOC 0,A,B类别的工作。全职是指每周工作30个小时及以上。
  3. 工作经验必须在毕业后取得
  4. 满足符合职位的语言要求
  5. 在加拿大有合法身份

A) Summary of points per factor for Express Entry candidates主申请人评分因素

A. Core / human capital factorsA. 主申请人个人因素 Points per factor – With a spouse or common-law partner已婚人士 Points per factor – Without a spouse or common-law partner未婚人士
Age 100 110
Level of education 140 150
Official languages proficiency 150 160
Canadian work experience 70 80

B) Summary of points per factor for Express Entry candidates


B. Spouse or common-law partner factors配偶评分因素 Maximum 40 points最多40分
Level of education教育水平 10
Official language proficiency官方语言水平 20
Canadian Work Experience加拿大工作经验 10
A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factorsA.主申请个人因素 + B.配偶因素 Maximum 500 points (with a spouse or common-law partner)最高分:500(包括配偶) Maximum 500 points (without a spouse or common-law partner)最高分:500(无配偶)


C) Summary of points per factor for Express Entry candidates


C. Skill Transferability factors技能适应能力 Maximum 100 points最高分:100
Education教育 Maximum 50 points满分:50
With good/strong official languages proficiency anda post-secondary degree官方语言能力优良及大专以上学历 50
With Canadian work experience anda post-secondary degree拥有加拿大工作经验和及大专以上学历 50
Foreign work experience海外工作经验 Maximum 50 points满分:50
With good/strong official languages proficiency andforeign work experience官方语言能力优良及海外工作经验 50
With Canadian work experience andforeign work experience加拿大工作经验及海外工作经验 50
Certificate of qualification(for people in trade occupations)资格证书(技工类) Maximum 50 points满分:50
With good/strong official languages proficiency and a certificate of qualification官方语言能力优良及资格证书 50
A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Transferability factorsA. 主申请个人因素 + B. 配偶因素 + C. 适应能力 Maximum 600 points满分:600


D) Summary of points per factor for Express Entry candidates


D. Additional points追加分数 (maximum 600)满分:600
Arranged employment安置就业 600
PN nomination省提名信 600
A. Core/human capital + B. Spouse or common-law partner factors + C. Transferability factors + D. = Grand total – 1,200A.个人因素积分 + B.配偶因素积分 + C. 适应能力积分 + D. 追加积分  = 1200


CRS – Core factors综合排名系统-个人因素

Core / human capital factors个人因素 With a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 460 points)已婚(满分460) Without a spouse or common-law partner (Maximum 500 points)未婚(满分500)
Age年龄 Number of points (100 maximum)积分(满分100) Number of points (110 maximum)积分(满分110)
17 years of age or less小于17岁 0 0
18 years of age18岁 90 99
19 years of age19岁 95 105
20 to 29 years of age20到29岁 100 110
30 years of age30岁 95 105
31 years of age31岁 90 99
32 years of age32岁 85 94
33 years of age33岁 80 88
34 years of age34岁 75 83
35 years of age35岁 70 77
36 years of age36岁 65 72
37 years of age37岁 60 66
38 years of age38岁 55 61
39 years of age39岁 50 55
40 years of age40岁 45 50
41 years of age41岁 35 39
42 years of age42岁 25 28
43 years of age43岁 15 17
44 years of age44岁 5 6
45 years of age or more大于45岁 0 0
Level of Education教育水平 With a spouse or common-law partner – Number of points (140 maximum)已婚(满分140) Without a spouse or common-law partner – Number of points (150 maximum)未婚(满分150)
Less than Secondary school (high school) credential低于高中教育学历 0 0
Secondary school (high school) credential高中教育学历 28 30
One-year post-secondary program credential一年专后教育学历 84 90
Two-year post-secondary program credential二年专后教育学历 91 98
Post-secondary program credential of three years or longer三年专后教育学历 112 120
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer2个以上专后教育学历,并且有一个学历是3年以上课程 119 128
University-level credential at the Master’s level OR an entry-to-practice professional degree. CIC only accepts as an entry-to-practice professional degree, those degrees issued in relation to an occupation listed at NOC Skill level A and for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required.硕士学位 或 NOC A级 专业职业学位(包括学业及岗位培训) 126 135
University-level credential at the Doctoral level博士学位 140 150
Official languages proficiency – first official languageReading, writing, speaking and listening total points for each ability:

  • 32 with a spouse or common-law partner
  • 34 without a spouse or common-law partner
官方语言水平:第一官方语言: 读,写,说,听每项能力
With a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 128 points已婚,满分128 Without a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 136 points未婚, 满分136
For each ability每项能力 32 34
Less than CLB 4低于CLB4 0 0
CLB 4 or 5 6 6
CLB 6 8 9
CLB 7 16 17
CLB 8 22 23
CLB 9 29 31
CLB 10 or more多于 CLB10 32 34
Official languages proficiency – second official languageReading, writing, speaking and listening total points for each ability:

  • 5.5 with a spouse or common-law partner
  • 6 without a spouse or common-law partner
With a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 22 points已婚:22 Without a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 24 points未婚:24
For each ability每项语言能力 6 6
CLB 4 or less 0 0
CLB 5 or 6 1 1
CLB 7 or 8 3 3
CLB 9 or more 6 6
Canadian work experience加拿大工作经验 With a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 70 points已婚:满分70 Without a spouse or common-law partner Maximum 80 points未婚:满分80
None or less than a year无 0 0
1 year1年 35 40
2 years2年 46 53
3 years3年 56 64
4 years4年 63 72
5 years or more5年以上 70 80
Subtotal – Core / human capital factors主申请个人因素 Out of 460 points满分:460 Out of 500 points满分:500

CRS – Spouse or common-law partner factors (if applicable)


Spouse or common-law partner factors配偶因素 With spouse or common-law partner – number of points per factor已婚 Without spouse or common-law partner (0 points – does not apply)未婚
Spouse’s or common-law partner’s level of education配偶学历 10 0
Less than secondary school (high school) credential低于高中学历 0
Secondary school (high school) credential高中学历 2
One-year post-secondary program credential一年专后学历 6
Two-year post-secondary program credential二年专后学历 7
Post-secondary program credential of three years or longer三年以上专后学历 8
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer2个以上专后教育学历 9
University-level credential at the Master’s level OR an entry-to-practice professional degree. CIC only accepts as an entry-to-practice professional degree, those degrees issued in relation to an occupation listed at NOC Skill level A and for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required.硕士学位 或  NOC A级 专业职业学位(包括学业及岗位培训) 10
University-level credential at the Doctoral level博士学位 10
Spouse’s or common-law partner’s official languages proficiency – first official languageReading, writing, speaking and listening– total points for each ability配偶官方语言,每项能力 Maximum 20 points满分20 0 (does not apply)
For each ability 每项能力 5
CLB 4 or less 0
CLB 5 or 6 1
CLB 7 or 8 3
CLB 9 or more 5
Canadian work experience加拿大工作经验 Maximum 10 points满分10分 0 (does not apply)
None or less than a year无 0
1 year 5
2 years 7
3 years 8
4 years 9
5 years or more 10
Subtotal – Core / human capital + Spouse or common-law partner factors主申请个人因素 + 配偶因素 500 500

CRS – Skill transferability factors


Skill Transferability factors适应能力 Maximum 100 points for this section满分100
Education教育 Maximum 50 points for Education教育:满分50
With good official language proficiency and a post-secondary degree官方语言流利及专后毕业学历 Maximum 50 points满分50
Points for CLB 7 or more on all first official language abilities, one or more under 9CLB7以上第一官方语言能力,1项以上低于CLB9 Points for CLB 9 or more on all four first official language abilities第一官方语言能力每项都在CLB9以上
Secondary school (high school) credential or less (levels 1 & 2)高中毕业学历或低于(1级和2级) 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer (levels 3,4 & 5)1年以上专后课程学历(3级,4级,和5级) 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer (levels 6,7 & 8)2个以上专后课程学历并且一个学历是3年以上课程(6级,7级,和8级) 25 50
With Canadian work experience and a post-secondary degree有加拿大工作经验和专后学历 Maximum 50 points满分:50
Points for education + 1 year of Canadian work experience教育+1年加拿大工作经验积分 Points for education + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience教育+2年加拿大工作经验积分
Secondary school (high school) credential or less (levels 1 & 2)高中毕业学历或低于(1级和2级) 0 0
Post-secondary program credential of one year or longer (levels 3,4 & 5)1年以上专后课程学历(3级,4级,和5级) 13 25
Two or more post-secondary program credentials AND at least one of these credentials was issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer (levels 6,7 & 8)2个以上专后课程学历并且一个学历是3年以上课程(6级,7级,和8级) 25 50
Foreign work experience海外工作经验 Maximum 50 points for Foreign work experience满分:50
With good official language proficiency and foreign work experience官方语言流利和海外工作经验 50 points满分:50
Points for foreign work experience + CLB 7 or more on all first OL abilities, one or more under 9海外工作经验+每项官方语言能力CLB7以上,一项以上低于CLB9积分 Points for foreign work experience + CLB 9 or more on all four first OL abilities海外工作经验+每项CLB9以上 官方语言能力
No foreign work experience无海外工作经验 0 0
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience1或2年海外工作经验 13 25
3 years or more of foreign work experience3年以上海外工作经验 25 50
With Canadian work experience and foreign work experience加拿大工作经验和海外工作经验 Maximum 50 points满分: 50
Points for foreign work experience + 1 year of Canadian work experience海外工作经验+1 年加拿大工作经验 Points for foreign work experience + 2 years or more of Canadian work experience海外工作经验+2 年加拿大工作经验
No foreign work experience无海外工作经验 0 0
1 or 2 years of foreign work experience1-2年海外工作经验 13 25
3 years or more of foreign work experience3年以上海外工作经验 25 50
Certificate of qualification (trade occupations)资格证书 (技工类别) Maximum 50 points for this section满分:50
With good official language proficiency and a certificate of qualification官方语言流利,及资格证书 Maximum 50 points满分:50
Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 5 or more on all first OL abilities, one or more under 7职业资格证书 + CLB5 以上 第一官方语言能力,1项以上低于CLB7 Points for certificate of qualification + CLB 7 or more on all four first OL abilities职业资格证书 + CLB7 以上 第一官方语言能力,
With a certificate of qualification资格证书 25 50
Subtotal:A. Core + B. Spouse or common-law partner + C. Skill transferability factors积分:个人因素+ 技能适应力因素 600
Additional points追加积分 Maximum 600 points满分:600
1) Arranged employment OR安置就业 600
2) Provincial or territorial nomination省提名 600
Grand total总分 Maximum 1,200 points满分:1200