Flu Shots 流感疫苗

照顾子女染夺命流感! 3位美国妈妈速亡

The mothers killed by the FLU as the virus rages on

The mothers killed by the FLU as the virus rages on


  来自印第安纳州的37岁妈妈斯莱文(Karlie Slaven)是其中一名病逝的妈妈。她上周本来仍然健康,当时她的丈夫以及两名孩子全部染病留家休息,”她要照顾所有人,因此感到有点筋疲力竭”,岂料到周五她自己也染病。她看病后回家休息,但病情无好转,翌日到急症室求诊,当时照肺仍然清晰,但呼吸困难,到周日再被送入急症室但抢救无效病逝,前后只有 3天。

A 37-Year-Old Mother Of 2 Died 3 Days After Flu Diagnosis—And Now Her Family Is Urging Others To Get Flu Shots

A 37-Year-Old Mother Of 2 Died 3 Days After Flu Diagnosis—And Now Her Family Is Urging Others To Get Flu Shots

  36岁妈妈哈曼(Tandy Harmon)更在感染两日内病逝。她上周三看病时确诊流感,医生开药建议她回家休息,岂料离开医院两小时后病情急剧恶化紧急送院,要靠呼吸机辅助,可惜仍没有好转,当晚她已要靠仪器维生,最终疑因免疫力下降,因肺炎及血液感染耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA),周五在多个器官衰竭下病逝。


Tandy Harmon, 36, was admitted to an Oregon hospital last Wednesday with flu symptoms, but by Friday she had developed additional pneumonia and MRSA and died

Tandy Harmon, 36, was admitted to an Oregon hospital last Wednesday with flu symptoms, but by Friday she had developed additional pneumonia and MRSA and died

此外,47岁妈妈阿克顿(Katherine Acton)也因照顾儿子而染病死亡,朋友指,她平时很注重饮食健康,更常常做运动健身,没料染病后几天已病逝。她本来还计划在秋天与男友结婚,如今却遗下了未婚夫及两名儿子。

Tragic: Katherine Acton, 47, of Alabama, died this week days after getting the flu. The bride-to-be, who was planning a fall wedding, is pictured with her sons Eason (left) and GT (right)

Tragic: Katherine Acton, 47, of Alabama, died this week days after getting the flu. The bride-to-be, who was planning a fall wedding, is pictured with her sons Eason (left) and GT (right)

  世衞传染病专家韦伯(Dr Richard Webby)警告,今波疫情非常严重,绝非危言耸听,但承认家长照顾病童时,除了接种疫苗及勤洗手外,可以做的预防措施不多,他说:”若然家里有(传染病)高风险人士,你可以戴口罩,另外必须要勤洗手。”

Flu Shots 流感疫苗

Flu Shots 流感疫苗

Flu Shots 流感疫苗

Flu Shots 流感疫苗