魁省移民部长Simon Jolin-Barrette

风暴:积压13年18000份移民申请 魁北克移民部长打算全废 改在线申请


  在星期四,魁北克政府计划出台9号法案。魁省移民部长Simon Jolin-Barrette表示,新的法案将会让魁北克的移民重新开始,并着重强调解决劳工短缺的问题。





Interim Liberal leader Pierre Arcand refuted government claims that some of the files in the pile of 18,000 applications are 13 years old. Having checked himself, there are only six files that old, Arcand said.

Liberal house leader Sébastien Proulx then waded in, accusing the government of “crushing” the dreams of many immigrants by refusing to process the 18,000 before the adoption of the reform package, Bill 9.

That won’t happen until June, which means three months of uncertainty and stress for people.

“How can you be more heartless than (former prime minister) Stephen Harper?” Proulx fired across the floor at Jolin-Barrette.

“I could present a litany of ways the Liberal Party hurt the population,” Jolin-Barrette responded.

Earlier, the association of lawyers working in immigration law also called on the government to unplug the shredding machine.

The Association québécoise des avocats et avocates en droit de l’immigration released a letter to Jolin-Barrette saying the people represented by those 18,000 files — including the estimated 5,500 already living, working and paying taxes in Quebec — deserve answers.

“It is time to reassure the thousands of persons and foresee changes to Bill 9,” states the letter, signed by 100 lawyers. It adds the government is deluding itself if it thinks the untested Arrima system will miraculously solve all the problems.

Arrima system

Arrima SystemS: Arrima is the portal dedicated to the Expression of Interest System (EIS). It is open to anyone 18 years of age and over who wants to immigrate to Québec under the Regular Skilled Worker Program.

The lawyers write that “18,000 files are ready and complete. All they are missing is the minister’s stamp to respond to the needs of entrepreneurs.

“Quebec’s international reputation will take a serious hit if this situation drags on.

“Instead of spending $19 million on the adminstrative fees necessary to get rid of thousands of files, would it not be more intelligent to spend the money fast-tracking them?”



