留学:加拿大著名学府 之 魁北克大学 University du Quebec
魁北克大学每年有85,000名注册学生。它提供了500 多个专业课程,其中 300个是学士、 硕士和博士课程。 院校由发布在魁北克的九个机构组成。
魁北克大学让您有机会在大都市,近郊,或毗临自然的环境内学习。 以及提供选择不同规模的研究所,学校,包括大,中,小,型的大学校园。
- 超过86,000名学生;
- 超过 5800 教师和其他教员 ;
- 超过 550 学士学位、 研究生和博士生各项课程 ;
- 自成立以来,授予了超过 378,000 文凭 ;
- 超过 $190 million CAD 研究补贴和合同 ;
- 多项合作实习课程,允许与在世界各地的其他大学的交流。
自 2005 年,它已获得十个加拿大大学最高的研究补助金,位于不含医学院的大学的前列;魁北克大学致力于开创新篇,是自然资源领域的研究翘楚。
The Université du Québec admits more than 85,000 students each year. It offers more than 500 programs, of which 300 are bachelor of arts, masters and doctoral programs. It is composed of nine establishments spread out over the vast territory of Quebec.
The Université du Québec gives you the choice of studying in a metropolitan, urban university, in a semi-urban setting or in one the regions bordering the great wilderness country of Quebec. It gives you the choice of studying in a research institute, specialized school or a small-, medium- or large-sized university campus because the Université du Québec is all of the above.
- more than 86,000 students;
- more than 5,800 teachers and other instructors;
- more than 550 study programs at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels;
- more than 378,000 diplomas granted since its founding;
- more than $190 million CAD in subsidies and research contracts;
- several coop programs allowing exchanges with other universities throughout the world.
The Université du Québec is the bearer of a particular mission :democratization of and increased accessibility to higher education and the fight against exclusivity; scientific development in Quebec and its participation in research communities worldwide; an active presence in the whole national territory and development of the regions.
The Université du Québec has placed among the top ten Canadian universities for research grants and top among those universities without a medical faculty; it is committed to research in potential niches of growth for Quebec society, its communities and regions; due to new alliances, it has from the beginning and throughout its history, developed research departments corresponding to the great strengths and needs of Quebec, particularly in the field of natural resources.
- Phone: 418 657 3551
- Address:475 rue du Parvis, Quebec G1K 9H7 Canada
世界名校排行榜/World University Rankings:
世界名校综合排名/Overall World University Rankings: | 451-500 |
艺术和人文专业/Arts & Humanities: | – |
自然科学/Natural Sciences: | – |
工程/信息技术/Engineering & IT: | – |
社会科学/Social Sciences: | – |
生命科学/Life Sciences: | – |
科系专业设置/Faculty/Department: Répertoire des programmes de formation
- 艺术与创造力
- 地区发展
- 法律和行政
- 教育与教育干预
- 环境与自然资源
- 公司的研究与分析
- 计算机和技术。信息
- 工程,数学和物理
- 语言和通讯
- 公共关系
- 健康
- 旅游
- Arts et création
- Développement des territoires
- Droit et administration
- Éducation et intervention éducative
- Environnement et ressources naturelles
- Études et analyse des sociétés
- Informatique et techno. de l’information
- Ingénierie, mathématiques et physique
- Langues et communications
- Relation d’aide
- Santé
- Tous les domaines