


THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT is entered into on January 1, 2000 between the following persons:

Rodney D. Fr
10921 S. Raine Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60643

George Stenson, IV
8642 S. Exange Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60617

The above-named persons agree that upon the commencement date of this partnership, they shall be deemed to have become partners in business. The purposes, terms and conditions of this partnership are as follows:

1. Name – The firm name of the partnership shall be Network Technology Consultants aka “NTC”.

2. Principal place of business – The principal place of business of the partnership shall be 10921 S. Racne Ave., Chicago, IL. 60643 and 8642 S.Excnge Ave., Chicago, IL. 60617.

3. Purpose – The business of the partnership is set forth below and includes any other business related thereto.

A communications network management consulting firm specializing in designing, installing, managing, maintaining, and protecting concise, efficient Local Area Network (LAN) platforms, Wide Area Network (WAN) platforms and enterprise wide networks for communication intensive customers, as well as creating business continuation, contingency and disaster avoidance / recovery plans.

4. Term – The partnership shall commence on and continue until dissolved by mutual agreement of the partners.

5. Capital contribution and distribution of profits and losses:

Name of Partner Capital Contribution
Agreed Upon Distribution
Specific Cash Value of of Profit
Contribution Contributions and Loss

Rodney D. Fbbr Specified $10,000 50%
Services and

George Stbbson $7,000 $10,000 50%
Services and

A division of profits and losses shall be made at such time as may be agreed upon by the partners and at the close of each fiscal year. The profits and losses of the partnership shall be divided between the partners according to the above schedule.

6. Control – The partners shall have exclusive control over the business and each partner shall have equal rights in the management and conduct of the partnership business. Any difference arising as to the ordinary matters connected with the partnership business shall be decided by a third party arbitrator chosen and agreed upon by the partners. Any act beyond the scope of this partnership agreement or any contract that may subject this partnership to liability in excess of one hundred thousand dollars shall be subject to the prior written consent of all of the partners.

7. Disputes – Disputes that would jeopardize new business, contracts, or existing clients and cannot be resolved by the partners within thirty days will be submitted to a mutually agreed upon arbitrator whose decision will be final. Any disagreements or differences that affect the management of the partnership business and would jeopardize new business, contracts, or existing clients and cannot be resolved by the partners within thirty days will be submitted to an arbitration process designed to repair the partnership relationship and solve said differences or disputes.

8. Selling out – If a general partner decides to sell their interests in the partnership business to the remaining partner the interests will be valued at the one half the current business equity plus two percent or the in effect cost of living percentage. Payment for the interests sold shall be made over a period of three years. No general partner may sell their interests in the partnership business to a third party unless it is mutually agreed to by the general partners. Thirty days written notice of proposed sell out to each general partner by the selling partner is required.

9. Dissolution – In the event of retirement, expulsion, bankruptcy, death, or insanity of a general partner, the remaining partners have the right to continue the business of the partnership under the same name by themselves, or in conjunction with any other persons they select.

Signatures of the Partners
Rodney D. Fr
George E. Stnson, IV




第一条 甲乙双方自愿合伙经营 ,总投资为 元,甲 出资 元,乙 出资 元,各占投资总额的 %、 %。

第二条 本合伙依法组成合伙企业,由甲负责办理工商登记。

第三条 本合伙企业经营期限为十年。如果需要延长期限的,在期满前六个月办理有关手续。

第四条 合伙双方共同经营、共同劳动,共担风险,共负盈亏。



第五条 他人可以入伙,但须经甲乙双方同意,并办理增加出资额的手续和订立补充协议。补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。

第六条 出现下列事项,合伙终止:


第七条 本协议未尽事宜,双方可以补充规定,补充协议与本协议有同等效力。

第八条 本协议一式×份,合伙人各一份。本协议自合伙人签字(或盖章)之日起生效。




(1)个人合伙可以起字号,依法经核准登记,在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。合伙人应当对出资数额、盈余分配、债务承担、入伙、退伙、合伙终止等事项,订立书面协议。合伙人的权利有:①合伙事务的经营权、决定权和监督权,合伙的经营活动由合伙人共同决定,无论出资多少,每个人都有表决权;②合伙人享有合伙利益的分配权;③合伙人分配合伙利益应以出资额比例或者合同的约定进行,合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有;④合伙人有退伙的权利。合伙人的义务有:①按照合伙协议的约定维护合伙财产的统一;②分担合伙的经营损失和债务;③ 合伙债务承担连带责任。
