加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 1122 商业服务管理类经理人 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人职责概述

This unit group includes those who provide services to management such as analyzing the operations, managerial methods or functions of an organization in order to propose, plan and implement improvements, or analyzing advertising needs and developing appropriate advertising plans. They are employed by management consulting firms, advertising agencies and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed.

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人头衔范例 Example Titles

  1. ISO(国际标准化组织)的顾问 ISO consultant
  2. 广告业业务代表 advertising account executive
  3. 商业管理顾问 business management consultant
  4. 经营方法分析师 business methods analyst
  5. 组织分析顾问 consultant, organizational analysis
  6. 管理分析师 management analyst
  7. 组织分析师 organizational analyst
  8. 推广专员 promotion specialist
  9. 档案管理专员 records management specialist
  10. 组织和方法研究员 researcher, organization and methods
  11. 运营管理高级顾问 senior consultant, operations management

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人主要职责 Main duties

A 管理顾问需要履行以下部分或者全部职责: Management consultants perform some or all of the following duties:

  1. 为组织或者个人提供管理方法方面的分析和建议 Analyze and provide advice on the managerial methods and organization of a public or private sector establishment
  2. 研究管理政策和程序的效率和效果 Conduct research to determine efficiency and effectiveness of managerial policies and programs
  3. 实施评估和提供建议来改善某些领域的方法、系统和程序,这些领域包括业务运营、人力资源、档案管理和通信系统等 Conduct assessments and propose improvements to methods, systems and procedures in areas such as operations, human resources, records management and communications
  4. 为ISO注册进行质量审核,开发质量管理和品质保证标准 Conduct quality audits and develop quality management and quality assurance standards for ISO (International Organization for Standardization) registration
  5. 制定公司运营改组计划 Plan the reorganization of the operations of an establishment
  6. 可能监督研究人员或文秘人员 May supervise contracted researchers or clerical staff.

B 广告和促销顾问需要履行以下部分或全部职责 Advertising and promotion consultants perform some or all of the following duties:

  1. 评定需要推广的产品的特性并为公司的广告需求提供建议 Assess characteristics of products or services to be promoted and advise on the advertising needs of an establishment
  2. 为客户提供有关广告或者促销策略的建议 Advise clients on advertising or sales promotion strategies
  3. 开发并实施适用于印刷或电子媒体的广告活动 Develop and implement advertising campaigns appropriate for print or electronic media.

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人就业条件 Employment requirements 

  1. 通常需要工商管理、商业或者相关专业的学士学位或者大学文凭 A bachelor’s degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or a related discipline is usually required.
  2. 可能需要工商管理专业的硕士学位证书 A graduate degree in business administration may be required.
  3. 有些机构可能要求管理顾问必须由省级管理咨询协会认证 Some establishments may require management consultants to be certified by a provincial management consulting association.
  4. 这个职业组的一些职业可能需要质量稽核员认证 Certification as a quality auditor may be required for some occupations in this unit group.
  5. 健康信息管理方面的职位可能需要加拿大健康信息管理团(CHIMA)的认证 Occupations in health information management may require certification by the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA).
  6. 在魁北克,健康信息管理方面的职位可能需要魁北克使馆的认证 In Quebec, occupations in health information management may require certification by the Association québécoise des archivistes médicales.

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人附加信息 Additional information

具备一定的经验后有机会进入高级管理层 Progression to senior and managerial positions is possible with experience

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人其它分类 Classified elsewhere 

  1. 业务拓展人员和市场研究员和顾问(见4163) Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants (4163)
  2. 经济学家和经济政策研究员以及分析师(见4162) Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts (4162)
  3. 财政和投资分析师(见1112) Financial and Investment Analysts (1112)
  4. 财政审计员和会计师(见1111) Financial Auditors and Accountants (1111)
  5. 工业和制造业工程师(见2141) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers (2141)
  6. 其它财政人员(见1114) Other Financial Officers (1114)

1122 加拿大商业服务管理类经理人所有头衔 All titles

  1. 客户经理,广告 account executive, advertising
  2. 广告客户经理 advertising account executive
  3. 广告活动的组织者 advertising campaign organizer
  4. 广告顾问 advertising consultant
  5. 广告专家 advertising specialist
  6. 顾问,企业发展规划 adviser, corporate development planning
  7. 分析师,企业管理 analyst, business management
  8. 分析师,经营方法 analyst, business methods
  9. 分析师,档案系统 analyst, filing systems
  10. 分析师,工业和商业方法 analyst, industrial and commercial methods
  11. 分析师,方法和成本 analyst, methods and cost
  12. 分析师,方法和程序 analyst, methods and procedures
  13. 服务管理公司的职业分析师 analyst, occupational – services to management firms
  14. 分析师,档案管理系统 analyst, records management systems
  15. 分析师,时间研究 analyst, time study
  16. 分析师,工作定额 analyst, work study
  17. 商业顾问 business consultant
  18. 业务管理分析师 business management analyst
  19. 企业管理顾问 business management consultant
  20. 经营方法分析师 business methods analyst
  21. 注册管理咨询师 certified management consultant
  22. 客户群主管 client group supervisor
  23. 会议主持人 conference facilitator
  24. 顾问,广告 consultant, advertising
  25. 顾问,业务 consultant, business
  26. 顾问,管理 consultant, management
  27. 顾问,组织分析 consultant, organizational analysis
  28. 协调员,标准 co-ordinator, standards
  29. 企业发展规划顾问 corporate development planning adviser
  30. 企业规划师 corporate planner
  31. 直邮专家 direct mail specialist
  32. 专家贸易顾问 expert trade consultant
  33. 会议主持人 facilitator, conference
  34. 文件管理专家 file manager
  35. 档案系统分析师 filing systems analyst
  36. 表格管理分析师主管 forms management analysts supervisor
  37. 工业和商业方法分析师 industrial and commercial methods analyst
  38. 国际标准化组织顾问 ISO consultant
  39. 管理分析师 management analyst
  40. 管理顾问 management consultant
  41. 市场广告策划专员 marketing specialist – advertising
  42. 方法和成本分析师 methods and cost analyst
  43. 方法和程序分析师 methods and procedures analyst
  44. 服务管理公司的职业分析师occupational analyst – services to management firms
  45. 组织与方法官员 officer, organization and methods
  46. 经营管理的高级顾问 operations management senior consultant
  47. 组织与方法的官员 organization and methods officer
  48. 组织与方法的研究员 organization and methods researcher
  49. 组织分析顾问 organizational analysis consultant
  50. 组织分析师 organizational analyst
  51. 广告宣传活动组织者 organizer, advertising campaign
  52. 销售点系统管理员 point of sale system manager
  53. 价格管理分析师 price management analyst
  54. 产品经理—营销 product manager – marketing
  55. 营销代理人 promotion representative
  56. 推广专员 promotion specialist
  57. 推广策略顾问 promotion strategies consultant
  58. 质量审核员—行业标准 quality auditor, industrial standards
  59. 记录存档系统分析员主管 records filing systems analysts supervisor
  60. 记录管理专家 records management specialist
  61. 记录管理系统分析师 records management systems analyst
  62. 记录管理人员—商业服务 records manager – business services
  63. 组织和方法研究员 researcher, organization and methods
  64. 高级顾问,业务管理 senior consultant, operations management
  65. 高级营销顾问 senior marketing consultant
  66. 营销支持服务经理 service manager – marketing support
  67. 专员,广告 specialist, advertising
  68. 专员,档案管理 specialist, records management
  69. 专员,标准 specialist, standards
  70. 标准统筹人 standards co-ordinator
  71. 标准专员 standards specialist
  72. 主管,形式管理分析师 supervisor, forms management analysts
  73. 主管,记录存档系统分析员 supervisor, records filing systems analysts
  74. 主管,工作研究分析员 supervisor, work study analysts
  75. 团队训练专员 team training specialist
  76. 时间研究分析师-服务管理公司 time study analyst – services to management firms
  77. 工作重组顾问 work reorganization consultant
  78. 工作研究分析员 work study analyst
  79. 工作研究分析主管 work study analysts supervisor