加拿大移民部 签证办事处 移民申请甄选面试问题: 家庭类

你提交了申请, 想移民加拿大. 然后经过了漫长的等待,接到加拿大签证办事处的电话,要求你参加遴选面试。你的选择是:A)恐慌 或 B)充分准备。如果你选择了’B’,我们可以帮助你,加拿大嘉和国际咨询公司 集20年加拿大移民经验之大成,总结出一套典型问题清单,让你在面对移民官质询时应对自如。


第一类:关于你和你的家庭  Category 1: About You and Your Family 
请做一个自我介绍 Tell us a little about yourself.
你住在哪里? Where do you live?
你是住自己的产权房,还是租房? Do you own a house, or do you rent?
如果你有18岁以下的子女,你的孩子现在在哪里?他们独自在家?(注:在加拿大,将12岁以下的子女留在家中,无人看守是非法的)。 (If you have children under 18) Where are your children now? Are they alone at home? (Note: In Canada, it is illegal to leave children under 12 unattended).
你的父母是否与你同住? Do your parents live in the same home?
如果你的移民申请被批准,你打算带父母来加拿大吗? Do you plan to bring them to Canada if your application is approved?
如果不打算,你移民后,谁会照顾他们? If not, who will look after them if you move to Canada?
你目前的状态 – 单身/已婚/订婚? What’s your current status – single/married/engaged?
你结婚多长时间了?或你们打算什么时候结婚? How long have you been married? OR When do you plan to marry?
你以前有过婚史吗? Have you been previously married?
你的移民申请中是否列出了所有子女? Do you have other children not listed in this application?
你怎么评估你的英语水平 或法语水平?(注:如果你声称你的语言能力达到某种程度,签证官有可能当场测试)。 How would you rate your English language skills? How about French? (Note: Expect to be tested on this if you claim some degree of skills).
你的配偶或子女英语水平 或法语水平如何? How well do your spouse and children speak English/French?
你是否触犯过法律? Have you ever been in trouble with the law?
你是否有犯罪记录,被判刑,或被拘禁? Were you ever reported/charged/arrested for any crime?
你的配偶和子女支持你移民加拿大吗? Do your spouse and children support your plan to move to Canada?
你有家人在加拿大吗? Do you have family in Canada?
如果你的移民申请被拒,你会做什么? What would you do if your immigration application is rejected?