加拿大移民部 签证办事处 移民申请甄选面试问题: 移民类
你提交了申请, 想移民加拿大. 然后经过了漫长的等待,接到加拿大签证办事处的电话,要求你参加遴选面试。你的选择是:A)恐慌 或 B)充分准备。如果你选择了’B’,我们可以帮助你,加拿大嘉和国际咨询公司 集20年加拿大移民经验之大成,总结出一套典型问题清单,让你在面对移民官质询时应对自如。
第四类:移民加拿大 |
Category 4: Immigrating to Canada |
你为什么要离开你的国家? | Why do you want to leave your country? |
你准备好迎接移民到一个新的国家的挑战? | Are you prepared for the challenges that come with a move to a new country? |
你为什么选择加拿大?而不是澳大利亚,新西兰,美国或英国? | Why did you choose Canada? Why not Australia, New Zealand, the US or Britain? |
你想象的加拿大是什么样子的? | What do you expect Canada to be like? |
你想到加拿大的哪个城市去?你为什么要去那个城市? | Which city in Canada do you want to go to? Why did you decide on that city? |
你有家人或朋友在加拿大吗?如果有,他们住在哪里? (如果你的预期城市不是你家人/朋友所在地)为什么你选择了X市,而不是Ÿ市? |
Do you have family/friends in Canada? If so, where do they live?(If your intended destination is different from the one you have family in) Why did you choose City X rather than City Y if that’s where you have family? |
如果你的申请被批准?你会改变主意并定居在城市Ÿ 吗? | Will you change your mind and settle in City Y if your application is approved? |
移民到加拿大后,请问你的亲戚/朋友会帮助你吗? | Will your relatives/friends assist you after you move to Canada? |
即使你住在不同的城市,你计划和你的亲人/朋友联系吗? | How do you plan to connect with your relatives/friends in you live in different cities? |
在真正得到第一份工作之前,你将如何保持你的家庭生计财务自立? | How will you support yourself and your family before you get a job? |
你打算带多少钱来加拿大? | How much money do you plan to take with you to Canada? |
如果你一直找不到工作,你认为你的资金能维持多久? | How long do you think your funds will last you if you haven’t found a job? |
你是否知道未来居住地的大概的生活成本? | Have you found out about the cost of living in your intended destination? |
说明你打算如何在加拿大找工? | Explain how you plan to find a job in Canada. |
你们会不会使用互联网求职工具? | Will you be using the Internet for your job search? |
你会用什么其他手段找工作? | What other means would you use to find a job? |
在加拿大有众多的熟悉目前行业惯例的求职者。为什么你认为你可以找到工作? | There are so many job-seekers in Canada who are familiar with current industry practices. Why do you believe you can get the job ahead of them? |
你是否和加拿大的准雇主触摸过? | Have you been in touch with prospective employers in Canada with regard to your job search? |
你知道在加拿大你的专业相关的组织或特许监管机构吗? | Do you know of any associations or licensing bodies related to your profession in Canada? |
你有没有试图联系他们?如果有的话,他们怎么说? | Have you attempted to contact them? If yes, what did they say? |
如果找不到你专业领域内的工作,你会做什么? | What would you do if you cannot find a job in your field? |
你失业后,会寻求政府的失业救济金吗? | Would you seek government unemployment benefits while you are unemployed? |
如果找不到工作,你是否会返国? | Would you return to your home country if you can’t find a job? |
你是否能预见5年或10年的情景? | Where do you see yourself five or 10 years from now? |