加拿大移民部 文案審理時間是怎樣計算的?How are processing times calculated?
- 如果是通過紙質文件打包郵寄(平郵/快遞)提交:收件時間就是到達移民部傳達室的時間
2. 如果是在線提交:收件時間就是按下提交鍵的時間
3. 如果是申請人親自提交到特定的加拿大大使館/領事館/簽證辦事處:收件時間就是簽證處接件時間
A processing time starts the day we receive a complete application and ends when we make a decision. If you apply by mail, the time starts when your application arrives in our mail-room. If you apply online or in-person, it starts when you submit your application.
For some permanent resident applicants who haven’t applied yet, processing times are projected:
Processing times are measured based on the current number of applications waiting to be processed and how quickly we expect to process 80% of them.
For other applicants, processing times are historical:
Processing times are measured based on how long it took to process 80% of applications in the past.
We have an explanation below each processing time stating if it’s projected or historical.