加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 7216 承包商和主管,机械技工 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades

7216 加拿大机械行业承包商和主管职责概述

该项包括供暖、制冷、空调、磨粉厂、电梯安装行业承包商,这些承包商一般都拥有自己的公司。同时还包括负责监督和协调以下工人工作的监督员:机械装置、运输设备(机动车辆除外)机械工(见731),汽车服务技术人员(见732)和其他机械工(见733)。总之他们的任职领域很广,具体任职领域详见各组职业描述。 This unit group includes heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, millwrighting and elevator installation trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in unit groups within the following minor groups: Machinery and Transportation Equipment Mechanics (Except Motor Vehicle) (731), Automotive Service Technicians (732) and Other Mechanics (733). They are employed in a wide range of establishments; places of employment are indicated in the unit group descriptions.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 7215 承包商和主管,木工 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades

7215 加拿大木工业承包商和主管职责概述

该项包括拥有和经营自己企业的木工和家具制造业承包商,以及管理和协调以下两个分类中工人工作的主管:木匠(见7271)和家具师(见7272)。他们受雇于建筑公司、木工承包商、工业设施的维修部门、以及家具定做和固定装置的制造或维修公司。This unit group includes carpentry and cabinetmaking trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. This group also includes supervisors who supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers classified in the following unit groups: Carpenters (7271) and Cabinetmakers (7272). They are employed by construction companies, carpentry contractors, maintenance departments of industrial establishments, and custom furniture and fixture manufacturing or repair companies.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 6242 普通厨师和炊事人员 Cooks

6242 加拿大普通厨师和炊事人员职责概述

厨师负责烹饪各式各样的食品。他们受雇于餐厅、旅馆、医院以及其它医疗保健机构、中央食品供应部、教育部门和其它机构,另外厨师也受雇于船舶和建筑及伐木营地。学徒厨师也属于该项范围之内。 Cooks prepare and cook a wide variety of foods. They are employed in restaurants, hotels, hospitals and other health care institutions, central food commissaries, educational institutions and other establishments.

Cooks are also employed aboard ships and at construction and logging campsites. Apprentice cooks are included in this unit group.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 6241 大酒楼和高档餐馆的厨师 Chefs

6241 加拿大大酒楼和高档餐馆的厨师职责概述

该项包括企划和指导食品调制和烹饪环节的各类型厨师,以及准备食材并制作甜品和特色菜的大厨。他们受雇于餐厅、旅馆、医院和其它医疗保健机构、中央食品供应部、俱乐部和类似机构以及船舶。 This unit group includes various types of chefs who plan and direct food preparation and cooking activities and who prepare and cook meals and specialty foods. They are employed in restaurants, hotels, hospitals and other health care institutions, central food commissaries, clubs and similar establishments, and on ships.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 4152 社会工作者 Social Workers

4152 加拿大社会工作者职责概述

社会服务工帮助个人、夫妻、家庭、团体、社区和组织开发他们需要的技能和资源,以提升他们的社交能力,提供辅导、治疗并推荐他们到其他社会支援活动服务。社会服务工也为社会需求和社会问题服务,如失业、种族主义和贫困。它们受雇于医院、教育局、社会公益服务机构、儿童福利机构、教养所、社区机构,员工援助计划和土著乐队议会,他们也可能为私人服务。Social workers help individuals, couples, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance social functioning and provide counselling, therapy and referral to other supportive social services. Social workers also respond to other social needs and issues such as unemployment, racism and poverty. They are employed by hospitals, school boards, social service agencies, child welfare organizations, correctional facilities, community agencies, employee assistance programs and Aboriginal band councils, or they may work in private practice.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 4151 心理学家 Psychologists

4151 加拿大心理学家职责概述

心理学家负责评估和诊断患者的行为、情绪和认知障碍,为客户提供咨询,将疗法、调查和理论应用到有关行为和心理历程的研究中。心理学家负责帮助客户保持并增强身体、智力、情感、社会和人际关系等能力。心理学家工作于私人诊所或某些机构诸如诊所、监狱、医院、心理健康中心、康复中心、社区服务组织、商业场所、学校、大学或者政府及私人研究机构。Psychologists assess and diagnose behavioural, emotional and cognitive disorders, counsel clients, provide therapy and research and apply theory relating to behaviour and mental processes. Psychologists help clients work toward the maintenance and enhancement of physical, intellectual, emotional, social and interpersonal functioning. Psychologists work in private practice or in institutions such as clinics, correctional facilities, hospitals, mental health facilities, rehabilitation centres, community service organizations, businesses, schools and universities, and government and private research agencies.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 3233 执照护士 Licensed Practical Nurses

3233 加拿大执照护士职责概述

执照护士通常在医师、注册护士或者其他医疗队成员的指导下提供护理服务。他们受雇于医院、疗养院、扩展服务机构、康复中心、医生办公室、诊所、公司、私人家庭和社区保健中心。手术室技术员也属于该项。Licensed practical nurses provide nursing care usually under the direction of medical practitioners, registered nurses or other health team members. They are employed in hospitals, nursing homes, extended care facilities, rehabilitation centres, doctors’ offices, clinics, companies, private homes and community health centres. Operating room technicians are included in this unit group.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 3222 牙科保健师和牙科治疗师 Dental Hygienists & Dental Therapists

3222 加拿大牙科保健师和牙科治疗师职责概述

牙科保健师提供牙齿卫生处理,以及有关牙齿和口腔疾病预防方面的信息。他们受雇于牙医办公室、医院、诊所、教育机构、政府机构以及私人企业。牙科治疗师负责有限牙科治疗服务,这些服务是与预防牙齿和口腔疾病相关的。他们受雇于联邦政府和省政府,主要为农村和偏远地区提供服务。Dental hygienists provide dental hygiene treatment and information related to the prevention of diseases and disorders of the teeth and mouth. They are employed in dentists’ offices, hospitals, clinics, educational institutions, government agencies and private industry. Dental therapists carry out limited dental services related to the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders of the teeth and mouth.They are employed by the federal government and the provincial governments to provide services in rural and remote communities.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 3215 医疗放射技师 Medical Radiation Technologists

3215 加拿大医疗放射技师职责概述

该项包括:通过操作放射线拍照和放射治疗设备来管理放射疗法的技师,输出用于疾病的诊断和治疗的人体结构损伤影像的技师。他们受雇于医院、癌症治疗中心、诊所和放射性实验室。医疗放射技师主管或指导师也属于该项范围。 This unit group includes technologists who operate radiographic and radiation therapy equipment to administer radiation treatment and produce images of body structures for the diagnosis and treatment of injury and disease. They are employed in hospitals, cancer treatment centres, clinics and radiological laboratories. Medical radiation technologists who are supervisors or instructors are included in this unit group.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 3152 注册护士 Registered Nurses

3152 加拿大注册护士职责概述

该项中包括注册护士、护师、注册精神科护士和那些结束护理培训等待注册的毕业生们(经过护士学校训练的护士)。他们给病人提供直接的护理服务、制定健康教育计划并对与护理业务相关的问题提供建议。他们的就业范围很广,比如像:医院、疗养院、延长护理服务机构、康复中心、医生办公室、诊所、社区机构、公司和私人家庭或者自雇。 This unit group includes registered nurses, nurse practitioners, registered psychiatric nurses and graduates of a nursing program who are awaiting registration (graduate nurses). They provide direct nursing care to patients, deliver health education programs and provide consultative services regarding issues relevant to the practice of nursing. They are employed in a variety of settings including hospitals, nursing homes, extended care facilities, rehabilitation centres, doctors’ offices, clinics, community agencies, companies and private homes, or they may be self-employed.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 3142 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists

3142 加拿大物理治疗师的职责概述-FLYabroad

物理治疗师需要评估病人的病情,并制定和帮助病人完成针对个人的治疗方案,以此来保持、提高或恢复病人的生理功能、减轻他们的痛苦、预防躯体功能障碍。 Physiotherapists assess patients and plan and carry out individually designed treatment programs to maintain, improve or restore physical functioning, alleviate pain and prevent physical dysfunction in patients. Physiotherapists are employed in hospitals, clinics, industry, sports organizations, rehabilitation centres and extended care facilities, or they may work in private practice.

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加拿大联邦技术移民:NOC 3131 药剂师 Pharmacists

3131 加拿大药剂师的职责概述

社区药剂师和医院药剂师负责调制并分发规定药品,并为客户和医疗服务人员提供咨询服务。他们受雇于社区或医院药房,或者自雇。工业药剂师参与药剂产品的研究、开发、推广和生产。他们受雇于制药厂、政府机构或药品代理处。Community pharmacists and hospital pharmacists compound and dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals and provide consultative services to both clients and health care providers. They are employed in community and hospital pharmacies, or they may be self-employed. Industrial pharmacists participate in the research, development, promotion and manufacture of pharmaceutical products. They are employed in pharmaceutical companies and government departments and agencies.

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加拿大联邦技术移民: NOC 3113 牙医 Dentists

3113 加拿大牙医职责概述

牙医负责诊断、治疗、预防并控制牙齿和口腔疾病。他们通常在私人诊所工作或被受雇于医院、诊所、公共卫生机构或大学。 Dentists diagnose, treat, prevent and control disorders of the teeth and mouth. They work in private practice or may be employed in hospitals, clinics, public health facilities or universities.

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加拿大联邦技术移民: NOC 3112 全科医师和家庭医师 General Practitioners and Family Physicians

3112 加拿大全科医师和家庭医师职责概述

全科医师和家庭医师为患者治疗普通疾病、生理疾病和其它伤病。为了让患者更快的恢复健康,医师们会跟患者保持联系并提供持续的护理。他们通常在私人诊所(其中包括小组或者团队形式的诊所)、医院和诊所工作。经过驻院培训成为全科医师和家庭医师的也属于该项。 General practitioners and family physicians diagnose and treat the diseases, physiological disorders and injuries of patients. They provide primary contact and continuous care toward the management of patients’ health. They usually work in private practice, including group or team practices, hospitals and clinics. Residents in training to be general practitioners and family physicians are included in this unit group.

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加拿大联邦技术移民: NOC 3111 专科医师 Specialist Physicians

3111 加拿大专科医师职责概述

该项包括临床医学、检验医学和外科方面的专科医师。临床医师负责诊断和治疗在生理或精神方有面异常的人以及作为其它医师的顾问。检验医师主要负责研究人类疾病的性质、起因和发展。外科医师负责执行并监督外科手术的进行。临床医学师通常在私人诊所和医院工作,而检验医师和外科医师通常在医院工作。经过培训成为专业医师的人也属于此项。 This unit group includes specialist physicians in clinical medicine, in laboratory medicine and in surgery. Specialists in clinical medicine diagnose and treat diseases and physiological or psychiatric disorders and act as consultants to other physicians. Specialists in laboratory medicine study the nature, cause and development of diseases in humans. Specialists in surgery perform and supervise surgical procedures. Specialists in clinical medicine usually work in private practice or in a hospital while those in laboratory medicine and in surgery usually work in hospitals. Residents in training to become specialist physicians are included in this unit group.

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